Bob Funch

I had to DVR it, so I just watched this now. Holy Shit that was as good a cliffhanger as can be. The Superior's head in a jar: classic. NOW he's a bad guy.

He was always a gaunt looking guy. But once he was paired with (fuckhead) Hannity (major fuckhead), he looked gaunter and gaunter over the years that I once thought aloud, "It's killing him to be on Fox News!" I also believe Fox News was responsible for Britt Hume's odd facial ulcers.

Maher booking Milo was no worse than SNL booking Trump. But yeah, he's been off his game this year. I think even though he thinks he's above it all, he still has had the same problem all the rest of the MSM has had in the current post-fact outrage epidemic, and that is he has lost his bearings. Just note how many


I like how the viewer was primed to hate Witherspoon in the first half, then the show spins it around so you sympathize totally with her. I have a teenage kid and I've felt what she was describing in her piano monologue.
Well, maybe not "totally." I mean, was she putting on a show of Avenue Q for the elementary

After the initial Skull Island ad campaign, coming on the heels of the Tarzan ad campaign… I'd just like Sam in his next few roles to use his inside voice.

Granted & "… but in a good way."

I don't know if any full albums are worth it but I highly recommend two tracks:
"What God Wants" by Waters
"Smile" by Gilmour

"Wewease Woger Waters!"

I picture a hellscape with burning fire pits in a large stalagmite filled cavern; the whole bit. And the only creature there is a man in a business suit… with a white shirt and a big red tie. You know the guy. But instead of a human head he's got a television set on his shoulders. He's got a bamboo cane with a curved

Yeah, I was thinking in Phantom Menace he found the gang in like four days, but he had probe droids helping him out and a cool hover motorcycle.

Just about agree across the board on the review. If Saxon had croaked in a more creative way this might have gotten up to an "A."
You know coming up that Ezra and Kanan will do an ep with Obi Wan and Maul. Hera needs to face off with Thrawn. And now Sabine's got to rescue her Dad and liberate Mandalore! If they do

Now-ww this is the story of a corpse on the floor he - was butchered then sutured in a scene mighty gory.

I suspect that Bill, since over the years has become a champion for legal weed, does his show baked. Not that that's bad… "Go Bill!" for that matter. But at his age and at his tolerance, he must be packing away a ton of the stuff. Especially this newest season. Two weeks ago he seemed really off his game and even

Yes! Hyperactive by Thomas Dolby. It's been a mainstay of 20 years of "my awesome mix cd's." I heard the song play and felt vindicated for all the times my friends would look at me and go, "What the hell is This song?" Kudos to whoever tagged it in there. Hooray! (sigh) … … so, uh …

This sounds like the kind of movie that will play great in a bar with the sound turned off and something like Slayer blasting on the jukebox - randomly syncing up with the action from time to time.

Good point.

Maybe AV could do one all encompassing thread for Book Readers instead of breaking The Expanse into two and The Magicians into two and Legion into two.

"I like this plan."

This show has been brutal on small, cute animals. Cancer Puppy, Dagger Bunny, and now…