Bob Funch

There's gotta be some kind of rule in TV Land to resurrecting/saving mortally ill characters: If there's two, only one is going to work. It reminded me (way tangentially) of Deadwood season 2. You knew since they spent so much struggle to save Swearengen from his gall stone infection, that a second miraculous

Thanks, I enjoyed that review.

Glad Thorne is dead. He was this show's Viserys. I wouldn't be surprised if Knight and Co referred to him exactly as such when they were creating the show. Anyway, as pleasing as that was (Good riddance monster asshole!), it was offset by the fate of Winter and the dual realization that A) We have to go There… and B)

The very bottom line: the Dems were killed by that GOP gerrymandering algorithm.

Just as likely:

A third Hellboy would help cleanse the pallet as well.

Do they still tape the show all over again for the west coast? Did they ever do this, or is it an urban legend? I only ask because tonight's show was good conceptually but the timing was off in lots of places, a second go at the material might be an improvement.

That was a shit-show last night. John Waters could barely get a word in edgewise.

Lin, no rapping please.

I named off 4 WI shops with great pizza.

My man. See 10 or 12 posts down.
Edit: or right below … Maybe we're being grouped.

Detroit uses Wisconsin cheese, Chicago uses Wisconsin cheese … follow the logic here.

Well here's if Wes Anderson directed the X-Men from YouTube:

My mistake. I'm a dork for SyFy Wednesdays.

This is up now? Shit, I just made a fool out of myself over on The Magicians.

Meanwhile, the Expanse also had perhaps a B+ episode.
* The Martian crew is kind of spinning it's wheels.
* The folks on Eros, though not seen, are being teased as becoming "more than human." So maybe Miller will someday actually get to meet a living Julie Mao.
* Amos is getting more interesting.
* The series' threads are

Yes. It's constantly running on a recorded loop.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense that they would set up "Kat" the adventure-woman and that Sir Lyle was going to check out Egypt, just to have a fake-out surprise series finale. (Well, you could argue the Sir Lyle bit was a wink to the audience, but it seemed the cast was headed back to Africa. Plus I was hoping for some

Plus they sort of implied that in a time of war, the stuff was being stockpiled by the powers that be.

To my eyes as well: the first floating body in the opening credits is James.