Bob Funch

And smiling!

One character inevitably walks out of Star Lab's main room with their feelings hurt. They go somewhere nearby and mope. Then one of the other six characters says "I'll go talk to him/her." Pep talk ensues.

Absolutely, Thorne was making his final peace as he thought Delaney was about to blow his brains out.

I enjoy this series. I think maybe a frustration that one would have (I can't say for the point of view of the AV's reviewer here - but who knows?) is that you want the show to get nautical. Hurry up and get this guy and his gnarly crew out to sea baby! Maybe Black Sails and Vikings and POTC have trained us all to

This would pair well with NBC's other hit shows like … uh … you know … and the other one … that's on, um, Tuesday?

He's a Kill-ah! QUEE-EEN…

Bill O'Reilly's final book: "Killing Bill O'Reilly."

"Could have been a sailor.
Could be Norman Mailer.
But he's…"

All the Kremlin TVs are tuned to Fox news same as all American truck stop diners.

The back 9 at Mar-a-lago is a Hunting Humans course after all.

"Look, when Putin has tenants he doesn't like, he burns down the apartment building. Believe me, that I respect. Bigly."

Sounds like Project Veritas doing some fake shit on the side, just to stay limber.

I feel like he's hung up on this shit because the superfans won't let him not be hung up on this shit.
"It must burn you up, Billy Dee!"
"Yeah, you're right. It burns me up. In fact I'm pissed."
"Fuckin' A you are, man. I'm pissed on your behalf. Could you sign this to 'My Best Friend and Scoundrel - Trevor'"

In Soviet Russia, correspondents dine on you!

"Never forget where you came from!"

I don't think it's so much The Mainstream Media that's being mean to him as it is television sets themselves. That's where he should focus his anger.

Annie is a punk rocker, ok?

POTC should have had plenty of canons they could have loaned him.


Just checked in to post the same question. I thought maybe they were taking so long because it was a double episode. But wtf?