Bob Funch


She was pretty much in the same mode as Alice's mom last season. Not that I'm complaining. Maybe Bigby will show up later.

Aw, those two tropes made a cute couple.

And now a few more good things about tonight's episode:
* The cover jacket of Hotel Spa Potions
* Dean Fogg's descriptions of the Pixie (Bigby) as mercurial etc in the light that she's his ex-girlfriend.
* The scene with Prof Sunderland and Penny paid off all the flirtation from season one.
* The luchador mask

I would have sworn that Coulson swapped out the Darkhold in the bag for another random book in the library before he turned it over to the bad guys. I mean maybe he did, if the book's spooky looking cover is just a binder for the pages inside - and there'll be some reveal next week, but not from the looks of next

Iris and Barry need to strip down to their underpants and start making out and not stop until they are sweaty, nasty, and you can tell the actors themselves are turned on. Cut to commercial. Then come back and show them post coitus. Iris with her hair all mussed, smacks Barry and says, "You bad boy, using your powers

"Dennis, there's some lovely filth over here!"

"Don't Cry" from Alpha is a great pop song as well. The second verse comes in even stronger than the first.

Same with tour boat vs plesiosaur.

T-Rex bites the helicopter's skid. Helicopter tilts. Grant falls to the ground and the kids fall over the T-Rex's snout and down his back. They hit the ground then get whacked clear by his tail. Malcolm yells "Gun it! Up! Up!" The helicopter tilts away from then into the T-Rex. The rotors destroy themselves and

They both were all wrong for this project. Page six sounds like it's ginning up the controversy. Teller would be better cast as a villian (cast as a boxer and a drug snorting gun runner/ massage therapist = actually good casting, even though the movies themselves didn't pan out). Obviously Watson will be fine.

Ha! I forgot about his two scenes in Dead Man.

Rob Roy deserves a shout out. Great underrated movie for all involved. Jessica Lange was miscast, but then just about overcomes it with the inner force she carries around with her. John Hurt of course great as the ponce who plays both sides of the feud.

C'mon. That's an A episode. Bahrain sealed it.

I love this show, so glad it's back. For my money Magicians and The Expanse are the two best shows on SyFy and two of the best on all of cable for the next 12 weeks or so.
Eliot is so likeable, there's a bittersweetness to feeling that he's being written out of the main action. It's like his character has matured and

I noticed that too. Even if they just partly telegraphed how Julia can defeat Martin, it will still be fun to see it play out.

I know, right? I picture Steve Bannon with a Trump puppet who in turn has a Sean Spicer puppet.

I was kind of blown away by how exact the "Conway" song was staged compared to the original. Chicago has been playing a lot on cable lately. And maybe it's part of the national unconsciousness of the whole thing, but right after the election I had a painful need to listen to this musical. In particular "Give 'em the

There was a sense half way through when the training wasn't going great, that Hera should be here to help. Kanan and Hera's hola-conference addressed that. Finally some grown up talk on this show. Plus lightsaber fighting is always cool.
Well earned A.