Bob Funch

Reynolds may have a sequel commitment in his contract from the first movie.

The NPS just needed the right spin: Hey patriotic Americans! If you came to the 2009 inauguration and found it too crowded, c'mon down to today's Inauguration Ceremonies. Plenty of room to move. No lines at the bathrooms. Play Frisbee!

I liked episodes 1 & 2 better. Eric Andre is almost 'too big' to be third banana on this show. The pie chart skit was funny. The mine cave-in was pretty good too. But that was it. I don't mind the ability for this show to get access to all SNL and Kids in the Hall cast members, but while last week was fantastic this

I was in the minority at first and believed that she's dead. What we saw was her force-ghost haunting the Sith Holocron Temple. If she was alive, why wouldn't the Crew go back and look for her? Except that would be a boring episode. But when Fulcrum called a few eps back and Ezra said, "Ashoka?" that signalled that

Maybe I exaggerated.

"I just had the sense that thousands of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. Some not so suddenly. Some were burned alive and some were killed in the void of space. For the most part though like 87% of the voices were men -a few women too- who were kind of asshole-ish. Pushy. All about 'humanoid

My two cents:

Wow, don't get the hate. I was primed for this and thought the pilot delivered. Is everyone suddenly So Over Tom Hardy now? He sounded pretty clear to me. His old butler was a little hard on the ears, but hey! get your grimey-limey ears on. I was hoping for some Penny Dreadful in a different shade and so far, after

He's got Frost there to keep the show at least within the perimeters already set down.

Shit, if they made "Ashoka: a Star Wars Story" live action motion picture, every fan I know would freak out.

Kinda Spoiler: I tried not to watch Rogue One previews before it came out, so I don't know if it already was spoiled that Saw has no feet. But the show did provide one "Oh God, no!" moment when that grenade landed at Saw's feet.

What this show is doing - to be kind, with mixed results - is introducing new characters. Also to be kind… Ad nauseum. Why oh why are they spending so much time introducing new characters? Odds are it's for some big season ending battle reminiscent of Avatar's Day of Black Sun. All I can say is: I hope it pays off.

Recast with Linda Blair. They always looked alike.

The Red Room.

In Star Wars cartoon time, Darth Maul has been around for like 5 or 6 seasons. The shows took their time resurrecting the crazy bastard and invested alot of plot in it. As it developed in Clone Wars, the Maul episodes became something to look forward to. He was like the crazy X factor that nobody knew how to deal

Pepperspray Windu - Mace's little sister.

Good thing Rick & Morty got there.

Great subject. Thoughts all over the place:

Romney refused to have his heart-plug installed. Loser!

It's the orange hair.