Bob Funch

If she would just change her name to something like … I don't know … Shirley Jackson, for example, I think her whole outlook on life would turn around.

True enough. The Putin profile and the Netanyahu profile filled in a lot of background info on those guys for me that I otherwise wouldn't have gotten. Watching another Trump profile at this point is probably akin to spraying Hornet/Wasp Killer in my eyes.

Hopefully Frontline isn't just a rehash of the Trump half of the "Decision '16" episode.

That blurb aside, hopefully they do the guy's story justice. They could do a spin off series on just this guy. I got hooked on this show over the holidays.

"Fire! The Untamed Element, oldest of Man's mysteries, giver of warmth, destroyer of forests, right now this building is on fire!
Yes. The building is on fire!
Leave the building! Enact the age old drama of self-preservation!"

The CGI with Tarkin and Leia I think falls into a problem other movies have had over the years: The effects look better when viewed by the techs on a computer screen than they do once you blow them up to movie screen size. Plus why show these folks in close up? … Unless they thought the CGI actors - from their

When whole campaign started two years ago I had that Don Draper quote echo in my head, "Love? Are we really going to do this again?"
Suburu's ads now don't even show a car. It's all Make a Wish Foundation & Rescue Dogs.

It could have been, but they muffed the Big Reveal. It was too rushed.

16.5 Subaru redefined Love as what makes a Subaru a Subaru.

They're selling the heck out of the DVD.

New title: Don't Wake the Lawyers

Another brilliant move by Sony: High-concept & cast the movie before the script is thought through. "It writes itself" mentality. Just open a window and hose money into outer space.
The only way this movie works is if it were a balls-out comedy Red Dwarf style. Say, the Bartender woke them both up because they were

The movie, for me, almost blew it with the way it leaned too far into the social/poverty issue. Both disgruntled waitresses were great actresses and the dialogue was authentic, but we got the same commentary twice, for example. The movie Killing Them Softly over-did this same theme - which sunk that movie. At least in

Funny how they both asked separate questions that had the same answer. Also true about Bendu - this time out. I seem to remember hearing in the "making of" segments of CW that many of these story treatments come in as two-parters or more (as is the competitive and creative way of things … writers are proud of their

M-mm delicious whitewashing from a freshly cracked in-box.

It's all a blur.

Justin Theroux vs Anne Dowd. Justin Theroux singing Afterlife kareoke. Justin Theroux's eyebrows.

I can't see the name Tarquin without saying: "Tarquin Finn-bin Lin-bin Lin-bin Finn-bin Busstop Fa-tang Fa-tang Ole Biscuit Barrel … (Silly Party)"

Hardcore Henry was tough to sit through. Sharlto has physical comedy skills, but whoof, I closed my eyes 2/3 of the way through and whispered "Please end soon."

Venture Brothers. The latest season gets better on repeated viewings. They're suffering from getting caught in a groove where their penultimate shows have turned into their finales - and their finales get pushed back two years. What season does "All that and Gargantua too" belong in? The Revenge Society, Think