Bob Funch

"Hello, my name is Carol. Carol Jennings. Say, that's a fantastic little elf costume you're wearing. It's just… well, dare I say… Delicious."

Thanks for the link.

I was just going to say: "Since we got a best Movie-Scene List … we should get a Best Episode List."

Please give us "… and the 20 Runner-up Shows that Almost Made the List."
AV Club, I suspect you will. If not, my shout outs go to The Magicians & The Expanse on SyFy, Sound Breaking on PBS, and hey… the back half of last season's Agents of SHIELD plus the front half of this one was some pretty good stuff.

Ooh. I imagine that was good casting. I hope he did well in the roll.

That was a well put together obit. Thanks.

Yes. Like he walks into a wall and his feet keep going.

Can we get those clips submitted into the Congressional Record? That would be cool.

They held hands, looked out upon the city, and wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.

This should be read more as a positive affirmation: The Golden Globes can suck a dick. Can they ever! They're the best at it and they come highly recommended.

First, Ivanna then later Melania were both trained at secret Soviet Assassin Schools. Marla was CIA so the relationship didn't take. Also, Trump has a secret body double/possible Android that his handlers keep on Trump-force One. Trump should be careful, when he "loses time" he is being drugged and They are sending

Depp was also in those two Kevin Smith movies and that doc produced for the Australian Travel Board.

It's going to be a "Fred Claus" kind of thing.

The episode was pretty great but here's two side gripes: I just rewatched this on DVR, and even there the Rogue One pop-up ad is still attached to the scene mentioned above.
Also, I hope the Faux-May plotline get resolved quickly. We already went through a fake May plot back in season 2.

That coast guard movie was pretty good too. Both Pine and Caffleck.

They'll be smothered in BBQ sauce and fried onion curls.

I'd like to see the 5 hour cut of Gangs of New York.

Many upvotes for the Nice Guys.

I'd nominate two from Zootopia. Either the scene in the "nudist" club where the animals bathe themselves was meta-funny on like infinite levels.
Or the roller skate chase sequence through the mice/small rodent neighborhood. That scene proved all over again that the Warner Bros Looney Tune mojo long ago packed up and

We need to get John Goodman nominated for 10 Cloverfield Lane so that The Dude and Walter can share the spotlight this year.