Bob Funch

"No" on Keanu. That scene felt desperate to me. The whole movie is bad. My expectations were so high for this movie and it had fewer laughs than a half hour of their show. If anything choose the scene where Anna Ferris steals the movie.

I desperately want to see Rogue One with "fresh eyes." I don't like the way the giant movie studios market their big movies with an all-out assault of commercials every hour that tease scene after scene of footage. That pop up ad pissed me off. Dial it back Disney!

It would be great if when GoT ends, it turns out to be a park in Westworld. Arya is a hardcore gamer. Jon realizes he's "One of Them." And it turns out the whole narrative was created by Davos, who clearly has some parenting issues to work through.

"I invest in vests. And as an invested investor in vests …"

"A+" production values. "B+" show. Fair enough. Let the contract negotiations begin!

Ouch! 'Troll bit me.

Trump sure is sad a lot when he finishes his tweets.

Then allow me to apologize for my error. I simply meant to express my opinion that Rance Priebus' head is shaped like a big toe.

I'd like to see Kellyanne Conway's evil side get skewered. Get someone to do a toe-headed Priebus or big-eared Paul Ryan if you want someone to look on in horror. Or at least lean into her as a Jekyll and Hyde personality.

I'd like to relive the first time I heard several Weird Al songs. Nature Trail to Hell. Christmas at Ground Zero. But when I listened to Another One Rides the Bus and Mr Frump in the Iron Lung, I fell on my bedroom floor laughing with tears in my eyes and holding my stomach.

Galileo by the Indigo Girls.

Gorilla Grodd in a dress because he's "transitioning." Call her Grodditia.

They need a cut scene where their both drinking Mountain Dew and playing 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

While at home, may I suggest binge watching all of The Anna Nichole Show and various subsequent news programs about her life postmortem. The whole family should watch.

*spoiler* I love the way in which he got his arm chopped off, looked at it disbelievingly, and then reached for it with his other hand as if to say "Wait. I need that back." And then he collapsed. A Neil McDonough Classic.

I love Neil McDonough. He'll show up in anything anywhere on the planet, and he's like, "Hey, I'm Neil McDonough. You get my A game every time out, buster. And don't you forget it."

Someone repelled the Aliens back in the 50's. Notice Old Guy with glasses giving side-eye. Who was he back then? Hmm.

In my heart of hearts I want them to wrap up the Ghost Rider arc with a cameo by Nicholas Cage. Please God make this happen. Nick isn't doing anything for a day or two, I'm sure. Pay him 40k for two days work and film the cameo. Please.

If they get Donnelly Rhodes into a super suit I will flip-the-fuck out.

Was that the first appearance of the classic Hall of Justice?