Bob Funch

Yeah, honestly, give Grant points for working like 6 extra episodes past the usual 26 most TV show actors have to work.

Another shout out for "The Crate" from Creepshow. He came unglued really well in his scene describing the carnage to Hal Holbrook; panicked giggling and wailing all at once.

He's buffed in the buff, too!

Here's a sad spoiler alert for some: The cable guide on Charter says the show is one hour even, but the actual running time on tonight's episode is more like 63 - 64 minutes. If you DVR, you're liable to miss the last couple of minutes.

I was hoping Louise and the Chinese General would hook up. Maybe in the version of Arrival that Paramount sold to Asia, he's the main character.

I love the wrap up of season 2 and poor Frank Sobotka's rail against the system.

On your recommendation, I will give it a shot. Thanks.

This is a great topic. The Sopranos, actually. I would like to think that I could go back and watch all those episodes. But I don't feel it. Losing Big Pussy, then Ma … Christ, Dr Melfi's rape … then losing Adrianne and finally Chris … it feels like too much to go through again.

Thanks AV Club. Back at'cha. Your construction, affect, and entertainment is still valid to me. Please continue.

The caption to the above photo should read:

I saw it twice - having not heard one critical line of dialogue: Louise to creatures, "Who is this child?" When I saw it the first time through, I thought that indeed her kid dying was in the past, and that the big reveal was that Ian was her ex husband; that Renner and Adams had modulated their performances just

Here's my guess:
Avatar 2: the humans come back with giant ships, the Navi have to hide in the ocean - riding dolphins, etc. The humans win and suck every living thing up off Pandora and send it back to Earth.
Avatar 3: en route to Earth, Jake, the magic tree, and the Navi take control of the fleet.
Avatar 4: the fleet

I do also like much of Desplat's work. Moonrise Kingdom, woot! I wouldn't know if Disney couldn't deal with his genius or not. I would buy simply that the reshoots cut his score to ribbons, and he shrugged and left… probably a bit pissed. And probably on to another project he was committed to. Hopefully the blood

Wow. I don't get the hate for this guy at all. You can't think of Up or The Incredibles without their music. If your argument is that all he does is blast TV show themes, then that seems more of a complaint about his project directors. I liked Dr Strange's soundtrack. It feels to me like the hate for the Star Trek

They did trust a "big" episode with Smith. It was a surprisingly full episode when alot of episodes are pretty thin soup. A full on "No" from Cisco at the end would have push the ep up to a solid A.

The Supergirl, Arrow, Flash dynamic needs another "big" name. Are there rumors? Plus you can probably count on a Grodd two-fer. But I would advocate that if there will be Grodd - double it. Triple it. Do the mega Grodd story arc.

"In the White House Garden, my child, there is a pathway through the hedgerows to a secret pond. The Obama girls knew of it. Go there my child. There you will meet the ghost of Abagail "Kissee" Roosevelt - the daughter Theodore Roosevelt never wanted the world to see. She will lead you to the Golden Sabre of William

Someone's going in that cremation microwave.

I hear you. Boardwalk had like an 8 season plan that they had to hurry up and mush down to 5. And Rome…

Deadwood had a season 4 planned & plotted. And they were kinda-sorta following real history. These 40 year old/50 year old show runners fly a little looser. The Westworld crew will get there. Season 2 is a notch better on most HBO shows. I'm thinking Leftovers not True Detective.