Bob Funch

I'm cutting this show some slack because I think it was maybe unfair of HBO to have packaged this as the Savior of the network. We all are actually spoiled by some of the heights HBO has hit in the last 15 seasons. GoT has a rich (filthy rich) back story that even though basically act 3 hasn't been revealed by the

Also possibly sick with cancer.

Bernard: What is this "Shit" that the other employees are always going to take? Whatever it is, it's distracting from work and means nothing to me otherwise.

In the Hollywood Reporter interview Nolan & Joy said the model being built in the basement after Theresa's death wasn't meant to be taken as a replacement for anyone specifically. It was just put in there to show that the "work" continues.

Felix and Sylvester are the nimrod lab techs, right? For me they are the weakest link in the show. I really need to know more about why they won't rat on Maeve. If it's simply fear of unemployment, then at least mention of how devestateing being booted from the company would be. Two lines of dialogue is all it would

I hope it is Original Abernathy! I loved that guy in the pilot - his stuttering mental breakdown. Is it him? I didn't check the cast list.

There's an old John Ford saying that goes something like, "Have three good scenes and no bad ones." A "B" grade is fair.

You're right about that, I stand corrected.

I don't see how the show "Veep" comes back on the air after this. Last season ended on an end point. Honestly I think they should hang it up.

Oh, the eventual Trump musical will be sublimely bigly. And it will star the best clodhopping, hoot n' hollerin' President the tiny Baby Jesus ever set eyes upon.

Notice how all the meme trolls can come up with now is Joe Biden snark. There's gonna be four months of Sad-Obama meme then they're gonna get itchy. They'll turn on Trump in April - sometime after his second or third embarrassment. Bannon and Breitbart can't stay in the mainstream any longer than Marlo Stansfield

Mudbloods… sheesh… no shit, right?

I appreciate this well laid out argument for Beauty, but if you put all the above mentioned DVD's laid out in front of me and said "Chose one to watch now," I'd play Hercules.

Hey, it's Sam's turn to fill in the pages. Plus I've always imagined the beginning of The Silmarillion done in animation a la Fantasia. Solid idea. However, I fear with WB the dollars will dictate that GRRM stays on HBO and JRRT stays on the big screen. Maybe someday The Sil will show up on screen in another 3 to 6


So, according to next week's preview, it seems now that William will be the first to reach Ford's new narrative. Begging the question: Was William always meant to be the main recipient of Ford's story for … (corporate) reasons?

And he's touring next year!

I just figured they were high.

"Yeah. The brothers Lo-o-ove The Packers."

I got choked up by the dedication at the end too, but not in a Trump-related way. This is a great show and you know having a show like this on in an era of cut-throat cable show turnover is remarkable. Who knew it would have a second season? More probably it would wind up in a discount bin for a buck at Walmart in