Bob Funch

I may rewatch the series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Or more specifically the episodes in Water with the Koi Fish arc, in Earth the Cave of Two Lovers, and in Fire the episode where Ang throws the secret dance party for the kids in his school … and after that episode watch all the rest through the end. Flamey-o! My

My impression from HBO gossip was that they stopped production after episode 6 to figure out the whole grand plotline of the thing, whether it goes 3 seasons or 5 or whatever. They wanted this to be the new GoT - if so, they need a compelling plot to go at least 4 seasons. If the A story is Delores and Maive

You could argue that 100 years in the future with the caliber of asshole business men, frightful asshole coworkers, and work breaks that include boffing the house androids both dead & alive … a woman's comment about a big dick should be par for the society. Plus, like the base code of the game in the show, HBO has a

"It" the mini series wasn't that scary. Only the Annette O'Toole scene where she visits her old home was solidly freaky.

It's like The Purge only with zombies.

Best parts of Deadpool were:
The over-elaborate highway shootout opening/lead in.
Wade's origin story.
Banter with Negasonic.
Granted that's more than half the movie, but the overall connection with the X-Men universe was pretty weak. The meta-X-Men jokes were … a mixed bag. I can see difficultly folding Deadpool further

I swear the zeitgeist is begging for this. Trump himself would be too scatter brained to come up with this idea, but now everyone is pushing him to do it. I think people just want O'Bannon, Ailes, O'Keefe, Stone, etc to form a network together so we can keep an eye on them. It would be easier if a new Galactic Empire

Having not read all the posts thoroughly, has anyone speculated on whether or not a live action Ghost Crew might make a cameo in Rogue One? Or would that be too "Scooby Doo?"

This was one of those off episodes. Maybe lower the grade to B-. They're setting up the family totem for some future payoff. Cool, though, were the animated sizzle of blaster marks. Explosions seemed more colorful as well. Interesting bit with Chopper and his Y-Wing - could have been developed more.

Only in so far as a truly bitter Philip K Dick story would finish with Cruise going into cold storage - the end. I'm not saying it's not an excellent movie, just at the time some complained the 4th quarter wrap up felt tacked on. And to be fair 6 or so of his "classics" don't have this problem, and at least his last

You can bundle other titles from these years - or even include The Color Purple - as source material movies with really dark origins, that Spielberg mines well for 4/5 of the movie then turns around at the end and goes, "Ta-da! A patented Spielberg Happy Ending!" Minority Report and War of the Worlds being the other

Oh, "A.I." The last 3 or 4 discussions have actually moved the needle with me as far as my regards. I do like it more than I did before, mostly because it absolutely is a movie that you can return to and find new interesting things to find, kind of like "Cloud Atlas." I think the reason it comes up time and again is

He still has the support of Wreck-it Ralph and Fix-it Felix.

"I've found another fantastic beast! Who's is this?"

R.I.P. Harry Anderson, Penn, Teller, and Burt Wonderstone.

I should've kept my yap shut.

I dearly love TMBG but I agree with those that don't that they can seem too pleased with their own cleverness. But this song is so near perfect, it's maddeningly clever. It's ingratiatingly meta clever.

This should have been a 3 season project on HBO.

The Easy A nod reminded me of another father/ child scene where Dad maybe-just accidentally outed himself. That would be Paul Dooley and Brian Benben in Dream On.

Jake and Elwood Blues and their surrogate parents: Cab Calloway and The Penguin.