Bob Funch

From the look on Montez' face, there's clearly a scandal there. I'm guessing that's the hook into next season.

Just the fact that this thread exists and that people get into unspooling the utopia side of Zootopia is enough for me to hope that this flick wins the Oscar and not Dori.

Fans of the Conan Soundtrack: if you hunt YouTube you can find the man himself: Basil Poledoris conducting the full score in a concert from ten years ago. It's chopped into four or five parts with two tracks in each section. Well worth it.

Seconds on Dualla. That was hardcore depressing.

Sorry to hear the reviews are stopping. Still, 'got to go out on a high point.

My cliffhanger hope is that Jamie and Bronn run into the White Walkers.

In the prophecy section there should be odds every week for when R+L=J is revealed to be true. If it's not this weekend, then take it as a suggestion for next season.


Rick Sanchez?

Finally, the Ferengi women get screen time.

Anytime the director says 'Johnny, you do your thing' he goes Depp-brand Nutsy.
The directors who reign him in, as a general rule, get better work.

When he screamed at you, he was a genuine psycho asshole. When he was sweet, he was a genuine lovey dovey.
Depp was good, but he was a bundle of anxiety.

The smack of Oompa Loompa ass.

More powerful in a broadcasting perspective. More bandwidth.

The only thing I wished for was a quick flash reveal of Dracula's old Nosferatu lookin' form in the last battle. Just a peek, then he could go back to being all handsome.

Shit, Green Room was really good. And now they're gonna have to kill Chekhov off for the 4th Star Trek reboot or something awkward. Pales compared to what his family must be going through. Heartfelt thoughts go out to them.

I like this show well enough, but I'm going to plead with the show runners to cut back on the chain smoking. I know; graphic novel - smoking looks great drawn, animated, & filmed … but these guys are smoking way more than my friends in real life who are chain smokers. Cut back one cigarette per episode and we'll go

Thanks for the reply. Pumping an undeserving movie up is at least brightly cynical, as opposed to tearing down a competitor's movie - which is darkly cynical and just flat out underhanded. Not that this applies to F4. That movie was a Jenga pile that collapsed at the 50min mark.

Set to the tune of Strauss' The Blue Danube.

Lily Collins though, wow and va-voom Barsoom. I hope this movie didn't completely kill her career. I'll also miss what must have been a great sequence planned for John Carter 2: The queen pregnant with John Carter's baby, gives birth to a giant green egg - out of which hatches John Jr.