Bob Funch

Lily Collins though, wow and va-voom Barsoom. I hope this movie didn't completely kill her career. I'll also miss what must have been a great sequence planned for John Carter 2: The queen pregnant with John Carter's baby, gives birth to a giant green egg - out of which hatches John Jr.

I bought that too. Vanessa Ives is the dark planet around which all these satellites revolve. Great.

The overwhelming want for LSH to appear is killing episodes where she doesn't.

I had lower expectations and boy my socks were knocked off. It was possibly better than Wreck-it Ralph, or at least on par. It reminded me of how I had lower expectations for Monsters University and found it unexpectedly hilarious.

Against Septa Unella! That would be super cool.

Just finished this now. Tina Fey was so much better in this season than she was as "Marcia Clark" last season. Her character was almost too good. She could eclipse Lillian and Jacqueline.
Anna Camp was pretty great.
I know Kimmy is moving on but I miss the bunker scenes. That's why the driving gag in the bunker was

Here's another one: The Wizard of Oz and subsequent books done anime style. In fact if the first book feels too much like blowing your proverbial wad in the first several episodes, then open the story with Dorothy in the mental hospital and flash back to the original Wizard's arc at the end of season one. Lord

Neon Genesis Evangelian would make a good possibly great 5 season show on the SyFy network. End it however you want to end it, but there's lots to expand upon.

Heat basically was the first three or four episodes of a show Michael Mann pitched to TV execs.

Your starter kit includes:
*A bag of leeches.
*One red bejeweled necklace with the magic ability to turn you into a sexy-hot red woman.
*An official R'hllor Zippo lighter.
*Utterly smooth Utter Cream

"… they all climbed onto the carousel and as it spun they traveled through time and space to the very heart of magic itself. The End."

Just finished this show. It's weird but I'm in the minority in that I find myself very much Team Karen. The actress has an empathy that pulled me along. With all due respect I think she's beautiful. It's clear she was hired because she has chemistry with Murdock. That was clear all first season and it was a

The voice from within the fire spoke. And it said, "Nom nom!"

I just licked the stone floor beneath the boot of the most intense Septa in the High Sparrow’s flock …
Unella. Unella. Unella. Unella…

Perhaps it was sent knowing that it would be intercepted by Ramsay

… of blood.

Second Flash vs Aquaman Tripping Balls

It's Slouching to Gomorrah, right? Maybe Schlumpfing to Babylon? Why are all these people with bad posture moping around the Holy Land?

Thank you. I made an assumption and it made an ass out of me and "umption."

Waif gets it this episode, Jaqen gets it next episode. Arya wild-fires the House of Black and White, burns all the faces save one, and finally before the place goes up she stands before the Faceless God totem and says, "I have done what you asked…"