Bob Funch

No, I know. Memorial Day Weekend. "Anybody here up for doing the reviews for Roots?"
A.V. Staff looks around nervously.
"Sorry, we're on vacation," says everyone.

I was hoping for the usual letter-grade review of Roots. So that's… not happening?

Just gotta slap one of those Red Woman necklaces on her …

I'd like to see the prophecies cleaned up and a few more added.

Julie Andrews.

Hensen is good as Foggy in college. But that's about it. So, yeah, I don't like Foggy and I don't buy that Karen would fall for him either.

The Red Priestesses need only slap one of those necklaces on her…

I have one note to the CGI Dragon guys: now that we've seen dragons roar and scare people 3 or 4 times, we need to see them do some other, more habitual shit. Like taking a shit, or if not necessarily that then drinking water next to the horses or rolling around in a dirt pit. Or a sneeze, or a snort, or something

After everything Arya's endured in that shit bag of a temple, I hope she burns the place to the ground.

Oh, I'll give it a B. The movie can be all the things the above review says it is and still be a hoot. Every character in the last 10 minutes has a moment with a single tear running down their cheeks and the movie is still a hoot. Cheese can still be delicious.

Meryl Streep might disagree.

Has there ever been a "Method" actor who didn't eventually go nuts?

IMDb cast list for this week has your answer.

Sad that half the season is over already.

Rickon could already be dead. If Jon and Sansa attack and win, Ramsey would kill Rickon. If Jon and Sansa attack and lose, Ramsey would kill Rickon.

Did I imagine it or was there a shot of Zoom working on the Magnatar with a socket wrench?

Sweeny Todd was the lone blip on the radar.

Check IMDB's cast list for next week's episode.

Self determination is good. "Personhood" is another one from like 20 years ago. They all sound too New Age-y.

Now I'm wondering if Ser Robert Strong isn't being warg'd. It would have to be someone in a constant state of catatonia. Maybe someone else who has purplish skin and yellow eyes.