Bob Funch

Eats some mint leaves. Checks his breath. "The fangs are retracted. Keep them retracted." Checks nosehairs. "Retracted."

Even then I'm not sure they were ever on screen together.

My guess is Littlefinger is behind the power shift in Dorne - and That's where he's been.

The ex-wives club knelt first, the blood riders and the crowd took their cues from them. Your point is taken, though.

"Philadelphia." Tom Hanks' performance didn't ring true for me. Denzel Washington seemed like he was looking for the exit half the time and he also seemed like he hated that he wasn't the lead.

Boy I could imagine some horrific urban legends spinning out of the Fukushima disaster, if they haven't started already.

Laurie Anderson

I suppose, if her vision of Jon fighting in a or "the" great battle in the flames etc is truly something she will witness live & in person, then that would put her death closer to the end of the series. But she might not see it first hand. And if anyone has her number it's probably Davos. I'm just bitching that her

Yes!! "Oh, what did you invent for the science fair young man?"

Or the Small Council gets smaller. Seriously, that's like 5 people not listed upstairs. Get your heads in the game people!

Melisandre? When news of Shireen's BBQ makes it back to Davos via one of Stannis' deserters … what's he gonna do? He worked really hard on that stag carving … he's gonna be pissed.

Warner Brothers and Fox continue to boff each other. They're getting sticky.

And/or a duck.

For me the rescue from New Caprica was the highlight of the series.

When Lash was revealed the "Oh shit" look on Hive's face was priceless.

It would be nice if ABC would factor into the equation, when deciding the fates of Marvel's Agent Carter, Most Wanted, and AoS, THAT EVERY FU*KING NATIONAL POLITICAL THING THAT HAPPENED IN THE LAST SEVEN MONTHS WAS ON A FUC*ING TUESDAY NIGHT!!

Yeah, May went through mentoring Daisy. Would the show just repeat the whole process with Simmons?

I did not expect a grade that low. Of the 3 or 4 points made above, I'll push back on two:

Perhaps Dracula can take the form of one of his victims where-as in his natural state he's a Nosferatu lookin' dude. Her first meeting with Sweet could have been genuine, but he has been supplanted since then.

It's Mystique Oh and Magneto.