Bob Funch

I'd like to see biker gang murder statistics for one year in so cal compared to how many people got mowed down in one year of show time (maybe last season and this) to see which one is higher. I suspect the show is somewhere triple the rate of actual deaths. This has been some Juarez type shit. KS should start

So has Skye's dad already become an Inhuman? Or is he waiting for the obelisk to give him the super-juice as well?

Skye to Bobbi after a tense but thoughtful conversation on the bus: "Well, I'm gonna go pee."

Just watching these now on DVD. I thought they could have ended the series on this episode and it would have gone out on nice quiet note there pulling back from the BurgerChef. Joan's subplot wrapped, the "curtain closed" on Megan and Bonnie, Don and Peg bury the hatchet. I don't see them ( showrunners) going to

Atlas Shrugged 4: The Expendables 3

If rape is a 10, then she got abused to the level of an 8.5 or 9. Tied up and tortured Marathon Man style. True though, if there was a sexual angle it was sublimated so far down as to be invisible. As with this and the other issues this show hints at, the writers walk this thin line so unbelievably well that they

They're recalling the first movie and retrofitting it with a new cast.

No, but i'm guessing they joined the Empire. Either willfully or not. "They're dead!" masking the shame of what they really turned into.

Green screen the people carting the cat around so she just hovers in air or floats on a flying pillow. Voice over with someone screaming German. Destroy things with ESP ala Rubber. …
"Grumpy Cat and the meaning of Easter."

Oh. If you buy into the whole movie's background as a partnership between Spielberg and Kubrick. And the movie playing out as a back and forth on those two aesthetics… The last shot for me felt very self congratulatory in the Spielberg camp where as the polite thing to do would have been to give the picture's last

The Mist went from good to great in the final scene.

And to see Skye in a super-suit. Maybe a cape. Probably a mask. Boots.

Excellent slide across the floor during the shoot out.

Yeah. What did he do with all the organs to give himself immortality? Eat 'em? Kommisar Django McGuts-Milkshake.

I'd like to form the mouths of babes.

A 14 year old Leia dabbling in sabotage without her step dad knowing is pretty hot.

Isn't there an episode about a guy who posts comments on threads from two months to two years ago that nobody reads but him? Maybe he wakes up with a smart phone implanted in his face…

Gemma corners Abel when no one is looking and says, "Look kid, snitches get stitches." Then she draws a long fingernail slowly across his throat.

Fulcrum is a better (wink wink) cover for Leia. Have they said how long the Empire has been going? The twins were born a day or two after the Emperor formed the Galactic Empire and then trashed the Senate chamber with Yoda. So if we're 5 years in, then Leia is 5 and Ahsoka would be what? … 22? Unless her species

That look said to me, "Oh boy. We gotta head-kisser. This guy's got a Pope Complex or something. Gotta get out of the Henching game."