Bob Funch

I'm holding out hope that they kill Barbara and then the Next girl Jim dates/consummates would say "What shall we name our baby girl?"
"We'll name her Barbara… Yes Barbara … After a girl I once … … "
(Jim bites a knuckle holding back tears)

So … Jax= Kermit. Gemma = Miss Piggy. Bobby = Rolph. Nero = Gonzo & all the girls = chickens. John Teller's voice = Fozzie. The transgender guy = Elmo. Unser = Zoot (?). Tig = Animal. Lin = Bunsen Honeydew I suppose. Juice = Lew Zealand maybe. … Help me out here.

They would probably bump into each other at the Nuckster's funeral.

Future girl: "You will have your story told on pay cable … In the future. Oo OO ooh. (Crackle crackle)

Felt like a B+ episode but an A series overall.

In movies a good sequel will reflect positively on the original. Likewise here where these wrapped up plot threads are making me want to do an immediate series re-watch. The scene in season two with Gillian bitch-slapping the Commodore… for starter's. Eli's first betrayal. Nelson's iron-office freak-out. If I keep

The watchmaker is Ron Moore and there is arthritis setting in - in later seasons. But muscle pain or not … Slipped disc or not. They still bring this fracker in on a solid B when all is said and done … with 10 or 12 A's along the way.

Sonja's hook into the essay is as valid as any way into an essay on a book. "For Our Consideration" is supposed to be more personal and less objective I gather or at least AV allows itself that wiggle room.

In the Want Ad he stated "Must love cannoli!"

Season One cliffhanger right there.

This show could use some guest writer/directors like the X-Files did in its heyday. Get John Dahl in here. Fuck, sneak Rian Johnson away for a week.

I'm wondering how far into Korra's trauma can you read the metaphor. She was a teenager, kidnapped, chained up by an older man - peer of her father and uncle, and injected with poisonous fluid. Afterwards she lost herself to depression.
I love this show but I think it got too grown up for a TV 7 rating.

Yeah, I thought Gillian might be reaching out to Lucky with that letter.

They should cue the music whenever Adama is drunk on the floor then add a slide trombone going "burr-frapp" whenever he barfs.

Yes! I thought the same thing. This show ain't gonna run 15 seasons let alone 3 so what do you do? Where's the end game? Make season one a thing unto itself then season 2 … 4 years later. That way you know (if yer one of these typewriter chimps) that we're not following Penguin's rise over 3 or 4 seasons … He's gonna

Or at least the sequence where Galactica drops through the atmosphere … Is the top single action sequence of the series.

Yeah. These are last episodes and I think it's starting to show. I would've rated last week's at an A as well (It's not that last week's was the study of female objectification 'again,' It's that it was the series's ultimate summation of the subject all in one episode).
Likewise tonight I feel like the flashbacks

Speaking of Doc Cottle … It's fun watching DaVinci's Inquest and seeing BSG cast members show up here and there in guest spots. Also young Donnelly Rhodes shows up in a good episode of Mission Impossible season 2 or 3 … Shit IMDB says he's in 3 M:Is. Hey! Dutch on "Soap" … Also Dear A.V. Club, do DaVinci's Inquest.

Of all the pretentious junk they spouted all season long, that Bible quote was the first one thing that concisely sums up this series. I appreciate Father Matt for pulling it out and recognizing that Kevin needs to say this aloud. This is a Wham of a bible verse and I wouldn't fault the show if this is the whole

I think Sonjia just overall wanted this show to move faster or give up clues at a faster rate. I fell for Justin at the outset cause he had the cred from Wanderlust and Mulholland drive … And who doesn't want to see this guy get his shot at the bigs? Plus it made sense from like episode #1 on that "of all people they