Lap Band of Brothers

Republicans tend to become reasonable when you directly threaten a thing they personally care about. A lot of them have their own little bullshit pet issues based on personal experience (and only personal experience). McCain doesn’t like torturing people. Scott Desjarlais became pro-choice for a day. Rob Portman

After the camera stopped rolling, Bevin turned to his boss and asked, “How was that? Was it just as you wanted?”

Thank you, as a means of coping I’m currently remembering the good ol’ days when the NCAA was pure and ethical.

Also college basketball is fun and a lot of 18 year olds who have never lived away from home should not live somewhere totally foreign.

And what a beautiful 31 game season it was.

Do you actually think that my comment had anything to do with our flag and anthem?

Can’t wait to see:

That’s actually the optimal viewing configuration. You don’t want too much audio for this one.

Come on dude, the article explicitly qualifies that there’s a huge selection bias that explains that.

I’m at this game and have never laughed so much at a sporting event.

A guy I used to race with tells the story of riding without a shirt once and crashing similarly. He slid on his chest and had to ride 20 more miles with a flap (including his nipple) hanging and bleeding. He had a wicked scar and I get the willies just thinking about getting an asphalt induced nipple-ectomy.

You certainly ARE calling him a liar.Or at least you’re telling us not to believe him...Which may be semantically different. But still puts you on the side of “Cops are infallible until my unmeetable standards are met”.

There are the moved goalposts! Bennett “gives his side of the story”, we’re told “wait to see if there’s any video evidence” to support what NO ONE has any real need to doubt — that a tough guy with a badge and a gun decides that the large guy running away from gun shots is the perp and gets all heavy — video evidence

Yeah, please fuck off forever. I’ve lived through catastrophic natural disasters. People need to eat and drink clean water. Christ, go jerk yourself off with Atlas Shrugged again, you wretched piece of shit.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

There is no “Draft” to dodge. Except the NFL Draft. And these fools got drafted by the Browns. The BROWNS. It’s like the Afghanistan of NFL teams.

Back in my day, players didn’t need coddling. Hell, that little league pitcher Danny Almonte wouldn’t even drive his children on the team for ice cream after losses.

The only thing left is that he just wants to be considered the best player on his team, which makes it odd when his short list of 4 contains one team with a player (Porzingis) that should be better than him shortly, one team with two players (Butler and KAT) who are widely considered better than him right now, and one

I can’t decide if you’re being: