Asking for the purpose of a thought exercise:
Asking for the purpose of a thought exercise:
The people paying them probably do, given that’s where the money to pay them with comes from.
Equal pay why? Do they generate equal revenues? If yes, then fine. If no, then you’re a bloody communist.
Just asking a question, so I’m not making any assumptions here. However, why don’t they ever take in account which gender tends to negotiate more or TRY for a higher salary? I just feel like some of these numbers could be potentially misleading without factors like that.
He supports free-market solutions for people with autism. Like...uhhhh...private companies taking the place of medicaid and disability assistance, I guess. Or churches doing it or whatever or...look, just shut up and read Atlas Shrugged, ok? It explains it all in there.
The argument that it will be paid by visitors hold no weight. People have finite money. If you increase a fee or a tax people spend less other places. So if you are funding schools via a restaurant tax but now people spend less on that due to a new hotel tax you funded a stadium at the cost of education or whatever.
That’s completely true, as long as you ignore all of the many references to opioids.
You must be new to Deadspin Barry, we call those dongs here.
Way to not read or understand my comment... I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.
PABLO SANDOVAL: [salivates]
Sadly the island in question is Revis Island which these days has many many visitors.
I didn’t. National Anything Day is stupid and made up.
It’s fun to eat briny things.
Nick, this is a great article. They are an absolute blast to watch. Foul trouble for Watson and Patton doomed the Jays in the Nova game. They had a ton of momentum and a ten point lead when McDermott sat them down. Unfortunately, McDermott is one of the worst at letting guys play with two fouls in the first half and…