especially since it was a "stop measure" for a guy who bumped into EVERYTHING that moved and doesn't.
especially since it was a "stop measure" for a guy who bumped into EVERYTHING that moved and doesn't.
It would've been….snf snf… would've been…..
Jalop, just like that " What is your bend" post a while back can we just do a " What does your car sound like " post? I mean it's KIND of what we are doing here but not quite.
Like so many of you I agree, those movies are corny as heck but like many of you those movies had a profound effect on me as a kid. I remember the first time I saw those black civics with the green neons and thinking "WOW". Weather you are into Rice or Muscle or whatever this guy was cool, and his off screen charity…
I remember seeing one in the Gulf Livery soon after they came out. Was getting a burrito with a friend and one just rolled into the lot with limo tints. I turn to my buddy and said that dude is THE MAN…car parks..really hot brunette walks out…jaws drop. It was hers. Last time I underestimated women gear heads.
11) My wife's Daily Driver
Ok see now I get your mistake, perez hilton has his OWN website.
I've only been there once but I'm pretty sure thats how you turn around on a highway in LA.
Atx…brilliant buddy. I'm going to go ahead and get mushy, if I ever have kids I hope I can play like that swell :D
yes, but in the PROFESIONALLY-LAUGHABLY-AMATEUR pit crew kind.
Concept only at this point so not for anyone sir :(
But it's a shooting brake! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU F*CKERS!!!!!
I think it's so funny that people in the US hate ethanol. Let me first make this clear, we in Brazil have been using straight up ethanol E100 ( actually its hydrated so not quite 100) for 30 years now. On the other hand we use Sugar Cane which actually produces an ethanol equivalent to 110 octane fuel as opposed to…
….why does this car make me think of Abba?
judges be amish ….
dqwidjq oasdja d'picaxam 'cwicj'cosddwdweji black pdiwejdpwifjw WRX qpdiqdje dwdpiwedj df wepiwefjwe with a large goat.
Raphael excuse me if you will but I see nothing wrong with this.
My personal thought is, if you want to be ret*rded go out where you can hurt no one but yourself. Drunk or not it seems to be what these …lets just call them men …..did. Fine is it a bit rednecky? Sure but if a car's on its way out at least now it did a…
OMG how have I never thought of a burger with tots.....WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!
Hydrogen vs Lithium Ion...when did this become Gizmodo?
The direct future my friends is in GREAT thing about living in Brazil...SUGAR CANE GALORE MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHH MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAH