Ok ok I got it. A government funded, italian run, french engineered Land Rover for Space...BUILT IN THE HIGHLANDS!!!! lol
Ok ok I got it. A government funded, italian run, french engineered Land Rover for Space...BUILT IN THE HIGHLANDS!!!! lol
`toddlers ?
She got lucky, I know a girl at my wife's office who lost half of her thumb. It might sound strange to you all but here in brazil armored cars are not so unusual. She slammed the door of one of these on her finger and as an instinctual reflex jolted and flinched. She literally left half her thumb in the door frame.
have you tried turning right? Its fun try it. lol
That makes two of us. Even the guys at Everyday driver said that both the toyobaru/subiyota twins could have looked FANTASTIC but I keep looking at all the concepts now and just think that they look so OVERDONE.
HA! My Rex IS black.....
Thats one helluva drive train....
First and only time I saw a Veyron on the road I was blown away, later, the 5 millionth time I played it in my mind, by just how BIG and surprisingly quiet it really is. I was at an empty intersection with my buddy at a light and suddenly it comes from the left, turns right in front of us and just like that PUF, it…
This may be a bit biased since I always liked how the BRZ looks. But what a lot of car journalists say is quite true, this car is surprisingly UN-photogenic. I think it's something about the bulges and curves that just don't translate well to 2d, something crucial is lost. Either way, although it looks fantastic in…
I agree. I saw a black one parked at a supermarket once and just stared at it for a bit....all of a sudden my wife come back rolling her eyes with a full shopping cart....turns out a bit was actually 45 minutes and I never even realized it. It is really something else.
I saw this in new york a few years ago. Driving up the Hutch....I almost crashed the car twisting my neck back. All I really noted was the red at first and thought huh ferrari nice...then the bubble and like...no.......naaaaaaah........NAAAAAAH............NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that is actually pretty accurate…
I never realized just how massive this car is until I saw one. Also no picture has ever done that orange justice its just....REALLY orange...
I am prepared to throw ECU's out the window if necessary LONG LIVE THE CARB!
right because everyone this side of the atlantic spoke such wonders of the new civic. ;)
Does a car that you can build to your own exacting specifications need a special edition? Is a black one with a lovely leather interior special? Is every single Veyron now a special edition? If I wear a black suit, am I now a special edition? Or is it me in a black suit?
This guy must get SUCH a hardon for Iron man.
Yeah I owe a lot of apologies.