Bring back Group Bee! (inb4 Skaycog)
You no longer are.
Koenigsegg > all.
Nothing wrong about being the fastest at a track day - but being a condescending loudmouth jerk makes you..well...a condescending loudmouth jerk.
“God did not simply place the Miata in you rear view mirror ...”
That was awesome. Loved it.
Haha drive a Euro diesel manual brown wagon and you’ll understand.. Matt Farah wrote a piece on it.
The Cult of Jalops is not a society I belong to. Wagons are okay, but I’d rather walk than drive anything brown with a diesel engine. Unless someone painted one of those Audi LeMans cars brown, I could deal with that.
Did you read the other replies to me of other makes that have it? Where in the article did it say mass produced?
hm. maybe I've been saying it wrong this whole time
Rally drivers - Lots more Oppo.