China Cat Sunflower

Then there'd be an article by Rafi about how an officer forcefully grabbed an 11 year old girl... It just never ends here.

Maybe you’re one of the fantastic morons I work with!

I really think the best thing Bernie can do for the American Left, at this point, is to lend his support to other, younger candidates, and cede the center stage.

The man is not without some good ideas (I maintain concerns regarding how some of them will be paid for, but we have ridiculous slices of the budget already

Those lines at the bottom were amazing. I lost it when they started abbreviating creepy porn lawyer.  Tucker did well.

Isn’t that the truth its like when an older sibling says they will give you all the money in there pocket then remove there hand and show an empty pocket

You say, as you vote for an actress with no government, policy or leadership experience of any kind to run one of the largest economies in the world.

He should thank The Fed.

Amy Shumer is still around?

The economic ignorance of the general populace is appalling.

I applaud you on a surprisingly calm and kind response to the dismissive and abrasive comment that was directed at you. Wish there were more of you out there. Maybe people will see you as a good example?

Definitely. There are plenty of reasons to strongly dislike Bezos, but complaining about him giving $2 billion to charity doesn’t seem like one of those. Especially if the main argument is, “oh yea, well $2 billion to him is like nothing”. It is still a lot of money and I’m sure any charity would be happy to accept it.

Republicans Political Parties tend to do something about these issues only when it works against them.