China Cat Sunflower

I’m 6ft1 as well and 175lbs with nearly zero body fat. I’ve been 206lbs before at my heaviest. Let me tell you, my 175lb self could annihilate that version of myself. Ian McGregor is only like 145lbs or something and could easily kill a 300lb person. Size isn’t everything.

Better to tase. No possibility of confusing a tasing incident with anything improper. To be honest, I would use my taser at every opportunity. People need to understand that being an asshole has consequences, one of them being a tasing. So I’d be pretty loose on the trigger with my taser. I also wouldn’t hide my

How is someone going to just not shoplift?  Seems impossible.  But is it?  New studies show that, on average,....

Being forced to buy overpriced Obamacare plans under the threat of government fines was a better system for young people with a $100k or so in student debt. Just my opinion but seems correct.

Man, this is a really good meme. Mind if I use it in my grandmother’s anti-Trump Facebook group?

Daily reminder that Trump is the final boss and to get to the final boss you have to get through all the Koopas like Cuomo here. At this trajectory you are looking at taking power sometime around never.

They make up a good portion of the neocons, for sure.  The DNC is filled with neocons these days too though.

No Bernie on the list?  You may like him but he’s a gigantic pushover.  Hillary rigged the primary out in the open and he still told you all to vote for her.

Nothing is going to happen. Enjoy this fleeting moment of hope.

“Any day now they’re gonna get Drumpfy.  Any day now.”

Your condescension seems to think otherwise. That said, this isn’t a very tough topic and I think we agree. ZIRP didn’t create AMZN, but it certainly did allow for it. Same as it allowed for the socials - except FB which I believe was fairly profitable already in 09- to operate at a lossand capture users until their

Could have worked without ZIRP so long as they were routinely funded by investors. Sure. Would said investors have routinely gambled on a money-losing venture if there were safer alternatives with a decent, non zero yield? Likely not.

“Business cycle” <--- You clearly do not understand how the Fed has affected markets and the economy.  Do they even teach the business cycle in B School anymore?

#MeToo: I am also a straight white cis male. However, I routinely go to Splinter to express opinions I am certain they will find distasteful and/or humorous. Banter ensues and entertainment occurs. Said opinions are not necessarily mine, simply those that I have a high degree of confidence will spark reaction.

Yeah same applies. 

Hi Michael,

Dear Brian,

Not either what now?

There are two parties: Never Trump GOP/DNC and the far left/Trump right.

Yeah.  I thought he was CIA.  No CIA stooge would get so summarily destroyed by Tucker though.  He was certainly “Tucked in” as the Nazis say.