
I lost around 40lbs by just not eating so much. It doesn’t matter in the least what you eat as long as it is reasonably nutritious and if you want to lose weight you do less of it. Exercise also helps if you have the time and a good multivitamin helps for the vitamins you left out. Diet fads are worthless. All of them.

For the longest time, I genuinely believed Elan Musk to be a brand of perfume.

I remember following him around at the BC Open twenty something years ago. The back story is that he was drinking heavily, he’d be suspended from the tour soon after. He was defending champion and it’s an unwritten rule you return to defend your title. But John wasn’t having it, he tried to withdraw. The tour

Eh? Eh? A nudge is as good as a wink to to a blind bat!

The only thing i’m afraid of is ruining my perfect burgers with your shoddy cooking method.

Counterpoint: Fuck you, Chris.

This is the worst take and you should be ashamed.

Drown, drown, you bastard! ;)

Drown, drown, you bastard! ;)

What expecting parents haven’t had the conversation:
“I like the name ____.” “No, I know too many ____s that are assholes. What about _____?” “Umm, that’s my ex’s name. What about.......

I agree whole-heartedly.

I agree whole-heartedly.

That’s neat.

That’s neat.

It’s “Hoist by his own petard.” It’s Shakespeare, from Hamlet. Hoist - “to lift” and “petard” a small bomb from early gunnery weaponry. Basically, he blew himself up by his own actions. (foist doesn’t make sense, as it means “to impose something unnecessary or unwanted on another.”)

This is exactly like the press outta North Korea. Not even a joke.

Here is the logical analogy:

The Dobre twins’ YouTube channel was launched in 2015, and they have over four million subscribers.

I actually blog from a car

“This isn’t really gossip, but for some reason People is featuring an Instagram post Ina Garten did about how to make guacamole that stays fresh longer. (You squeeze a lemon on it.)“

It’s not the washing of the surfaces that is the problem with house cleaning, though. It’s getting all of the crap put away so that you CAN wash the surfaces.

And then he dabbed.

Not much. What’s up with you?