
What all does “vibing on some records” entail? What’s the median hourly wage for said vibing?

Maybe the answer is just have one kid? I have one and he is the best thing ever. Period.

I chose not to compete in all of them.

One day you’ll wake up and realize it’s all been a dream.

Nice try monsters. No way I’m making it easier for you to see when I’m not completely covered.

Nice try monsters. No way I’m making it easier for you to see when I’m not completely covered.

*search engine

If you read it like this “[we] Liberals need to realize that there are more of us than there are of them ...” then it’s a little easier to understand the point. 

Seeing as fish eggs are up there among the most coveted and expensive foods in the world . . . yes?

For decades, I have been saying that Austin Powers is one of the greatest films of all time.

I feel you, sister. My wife gave the thumbs down to Racecar MacGyver.

No. But then again I’m not an “I’ve got mine, fuck you” kind of guy. I’m generally happy for people when something good happens to them. If it’s a young couple about to start their life together, all the better.

Hi Apple! I’m Orange. Nice to meet you.

No, they employ talented people like Darby to create ambitious designs then accounting takes a look at it and says “sweet wheels bro, but imma cut back on all the cool to keep the price low.”

I have a Fūl 15-inch laptop bag I picked up at Target of all places. It’s heavy, but it is sturdy and provides a great deal of protection, plus a ton of pockets. None of the current models seem to have as many outside pockets as mine. This one is the closest available now, but not quite the same

I have a Fūl 15-inch laptop bag I picked up at Target of all places. It’s heavy, but it is sturdy and provides a


‘bee hotels’

It depends. Can you aim the fucking bow?

Nine years ago my wife and I went to a regular hospital with honest-to-God nurses and doctors. She got an epidural, labored for several hours, then my son came out of her you-know-where and peed on her. The end.

Plain old Levi’s 501 fit me best.

Plain old Levi’s 501 fit me best.

I fashioned mine into a hauberk for my pet hamster, Fluffy Oakenshield . I told him it was forged from mithril. He doesn’t know any better.

I fashioned mine into a hauberk for my pet hamster, Fluffy Oakenshield . I told him it was forged from mithril. He