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The next thing I need to make something cool seem really boring, I’m going to hire the crew that made this video.

Though ethnically a Poman, I was raised in an Iroist community. Has no one considered how I feel about these images?

If an ice cube the size of Delaware starts floating down our way, the only thing to do is get a tumbler of whiskey the size of Pennsylvania.

If you read it like this “[we] Liberals need to realize that there are more of us than there are of them ...” then it’s a little easier to understand the point. 

Seeing as fish eggs are up there among the most coveted and expensive foods in the world . . . yes?

For decades, I have been saying that Austin Powers is one of the greatest films of all time.

I feel you, sister. My wife gave the thumbs down to Racecar MacGyver.

Which reduced the price per share.

Listen, you! Don’t cut in on my racket.

I am officially offering my services to run any company into the ground for the low, low price of $150 million. Call me!

Apple was trading at around $50 a share in 2011 and close to $145 a share now. What a tragedy. Will somebody think of the children?

Yes. This multinational, $150 billion corporation is floundering because of a TV show about singing in cars. Well spotted.

People electing scientists in a representative democracy is hardly “technocracy.”

There’s an awful lot of negativity here. I, for one, would love to see a legislature full of scientists.

How did your plan work out?!

As I recall, she had a terrible infection because human beings are horrible stewards of wildlife. But feel free to make clunky, unfunny jokes. It’s the internet.

I hate everything about you. And your comment.

No. But then again I’m not an “I’ve got mine, fuck you” kind of guy. I’m generally happy for people when something good happens to them. If it’s a young couple about to start their life together, all the better.