Old Bobby Soldier


I admire the creativity of the FA here, but I think they crossed a line by making sure the Glenn Hoddle station was not handicap-accessible.

I wouldn't want to get off at the Paul Gascoigne stop, I hear there are a lot of train wrecks there

This reminds me of Oscar's (Chelsea) goal against Juventus in last years Champions League.

+1 for the seemingly physics-defying bend on that shot to put it just inside the post.

Set pieces are very scripted. Once players are old and strong enough (like 11, 12) set pieces from the corner and outside the box are looked at as prime scoring opportunities. It's fair to assume every free kick and throw-in a team takes in the attacking third is a drawn up, meticulously practiced play. The question

More impressive is that Connally did it with a shattered wrist, as telestrated here.

If there's a way to profit from football no one watches, the Jaguars would like to know about it.

Agreed, I personally think this will be the most wide open and exciting season in a long time (well I guess in terms of excitement it will hard to beat Man City taking the title on practically the last kick of the season). On the plus side for Arsenal is that they should be getting healthy when those tough fixtures

Why did you use 'free kick' rather than 'golazo', Greg? That was a great chance to use 'golazo'. All of the Deadspin readers like the word 'golazo' and think it's really cool that you use it so much.

Alt headline: The Best Fucking Goal Not Scored By Mesut Özil in the Month of October

Wait, are you actually bragging about how good the teams that knocked you out of the Champions League are? How very Arsenal of you. Just enough ambition to make yourselves feel better about your teams' slow and painful fall from the elite. What's next, are you going to claim that fourth place is a trophy?

I just cited history in the comment you responded to, buddy. Spurs have more European silverware than Arsenal. This is another historical fact. See, two now!

It seems fair. You could easily argue that Arsenal IS playing the best football in England right now, but that their team is too thin to sustain unless they make it to January and shore up in the winter transfer window. I think Man City is not a good buy either. If I were a betting man I would somehow arbitrage the

You know what would be awesome? If the Deadspin soccer writer knew anything about soccer. Seriously Greg. Seriously.