Old Bobby Soldier

Also, the biannual conversation at major tournaments about the Dutch squad splitting on racial grounds.

Jack Wilshere: "If I went to Spain and lived there for five years I am not going to play for Spain."

Rijkaard and Gullit were born in Amsterdam, not Suriname, they're just of Surinamese heritage.

I can't believe you got through this post without mentioning Soccernomics...

The only reason to buy salted butter is if you want to keep it on the counter, unrefrigerated, for easy spreading. The salt acts as a preservative and the butter will keep from turning rancid for a few weeks.

Someone called?

"Straight brown is nasty."

FALSE. Brown is the best rice. (The list is otherwise correct.)

Wild rice isn't rice.

Yeah, I don't have the time or the inclination to very slowly explain the difference between a straw man and an analogy to you.

Chocolate City Mothership

Which team will the Mexican fans be adopting?

The entire last season was not on par with the rest. If the season 3 finale was the series finale, I'd say absolutely. Maybe the finale of season 4. Not season 5.

Any list that doesn't include Blackadder somewhere in the top five (See? I'm reasonable—I don't demand the top spot, although it absolutely deserves the top spot) is immediately suspect.

I don't use the word "hero" very often, but Alex Rodriguez is the greatest hero in American history.

In the highlights I watched for the second half, the commentator literally said, "And now Joe Hart is following the tradition of other English keepers..."

If you like soccer, then watching Bayern is porn.