
Which one? Seriously, I’m not sure who I think is the biggest asshole in this story. The guy driving his motorcycle like a fucking asshole, putting his girlfriend and every other motorists life in serious danger....or the angry crusty old man who cut in front of him to “teach him a lesson”.

Yeah, both sides are definitely losers here.

Duh....the astronaut pen. It writes upside down ya know...

Duh....the astronaut pen. It writes upside down ya know...

LOL,you are bad ass girl.

Sweet...I was uh....just asking for a friend of course....

Does he have to be from New Orleans? ;)

I agree, and that’s all we want - for her to be happy and healthy as possible.

Yeah, like she brought it up ALL THE TIME each time my wife was pregnant, to the point where my wife would avoid her because she didn’t want to think about such an awful possibility. It’s tough, we lobe and care about her, but years later it’s like this is what defines her, and I just can’t imagine that is healthy.

I am so, so sorry for your loss, and I really appreciate your opinion as obviously you know better than people like me.

My wife and I have very close friends who lost a twin at birth (the boy, the girl lived and is just fine). It was obviously extremely sad. But what’s made it very hard to remain close to the mom is that 5 years later she has never let go. Like, she still celebrates his “birthday”, she has pictures of him around the

Do people like you just rip into any man mentioned in any article or what? Damon is saying that he felt bad for the way his friend was being portrayed by the media 10 years ago (as this meathead when he was dating J-LO, which is EXACTLY how he was being portrayed).

Why thank you Mrs. Bush! This is the kind of story I hate. It’s a total non story of a few idiots propped up with those with an agenda to give the impression that it’s representative of the ways things are. If you listen to AM talk radio you know that the right does this ALL. THE. TIME. Like, they’ll find a story in

“your cowardly and diminishing speech is not something I need to subject myself to anymore. Done.”

“please stop with accusing me of being a “troll,” I make attempts at having productive dialogue with you and it is you who refuses to engage / employs bullying tactics and antagonistic language”

First, this person trolls me, there’s a history. Second, maybe you should read the thread prior to that comment. Generally speaking, I treat people with the same respect they offer to me. I have polite discourse and debate all the time, but extremists, be they right wing muts or left wing feminists, generally aren’t

Seriously, get a life. A handful of idiots on the internet said they don’t want to marry a woman unless she’s a virgin. They will be laughed at by 99% of both women and society. Of course 99.9999% of society would never even have heard of these asshats if Jezebel, a site with the sole agenda of fomenting the anger of

I never whine about being called a misogynist, I laugh my ass of at it.

I hate to tell you this, but I could justify a person wanting any person they were going to marry to be a virgin WAY easier than I could a person demanding someone be rich or “hot” or a Doctor or whatever.

How is a guy wanting a virgin any different than a woman wanting, let’s say, a rich guy?

I think this “no hymen” thing is vile....but let’s not pretend far more women than this tiny list of knuckle-draggers don’t have a list of knock-out qualifications for men as well. Anyone remember the hit “Gotta have a J.O.B.”?