
I’d also like to remind people praising this pope that he still represents an institution that is extremely misogynistic and oppressive for women.

LMAO, it’s Jezebel. I might as well have gone onto Sean Hannity’s webpage and argued for gay marriage.

It’s actually gotten a lot better. 20 years ago is was a a strip of casino’s on the right side of Pacific Avenue, and borderline 3rd world slums on the left side. Used to freak me out to see such wealth and poverty separated only by a few feet of asphalt.

This “mansplaining” & “whitesplaining” bullshit has to stop - it’s more times than not just a means to bully and silence people, which is EXACTLY what the groups who through the term around are trying to end for their OWN race/gender/sexual orientation.

Amazing how some of my fellow liberals have become so radicalized that they feel 1/2 the human population is not allowed to offer an opinion on pretty much anything, ever.

If you were a “69 me” t-shirt, are you allowed to be angry about the well deserved slut shaming you’ll get?

I’d like to know who is buying this crap. “69 me” t-shirts? Jesus Christ.

“The progressive movement is starting to mirror that of the far-right too much for my tastes.” you must be.

“Someone in my life said he looked elsewhere because she felt rejected, but I find it to be a bunch of whiny BS.”

Wow, not very bright are you. Of course the attack on Benghazi itself wasn’t imagined, attacks on embassies happen all the time, usually at a FAR greater frequency than under Obama. For example, under Bush there were 13 US embassy attacks causing 60 DEATHS. Strangely, no one on ethe right gave a flying fuck...I wonder

Well said, the counter....BENGHAZI!!!!! You’re not dealing with people who have any need to deal in reality...nor a press that has any need to report as much.

If it wasn’t this, it would be something else, real or imagined (like Benghazi). In fact, considering this is the best they got, Hillary must be pretty clean.

One of the freakiest things ever...

I would have dismissed my comment too, exposed you pretty bad. But that’s OK, just as long as you and I know there score, which we now do. :)

“But it’s rare that I meet a man I don’t have to teach to be a decent human being in some way or another.”

Of course you are also risking this response...

I am SERIOUSLY starting to think that this insane anti-Sanders campaign is a ploy by the right or something.

yeah, especially since she is seen in the video kissing and dry humping the guy, then going into the bathroom for 30 minutes with him, and then CONTINUING to hug and kiss him when they get out. But you know those rape apologists...they’ll just victim blame.