
I don’t think I’ve gotten ungrayed on any sites except a few obscure ones that I think were subs of Gawker. I’m pretty sure I was permanently banned from Jezebel a few years ago. :)

I only ever posted on Gawker, not followed by these other sites.

Agreed, on both counts


Well all I know is I have seen a bunch of documentary crime shows like forensic files where I can’t believe how little they convicted someone on. Cases where I too “thought” the person probably did it, but there were other potential explanations. But it seemed to boil down to who the jury “believed”, and I don’t like

Yeah I agree if the DA literally said that to her, and there is no investigation, that’s totally fucked up.

To be clear, I said no evidence because I assumed if he just “licked her breasts” during a hug as she said, there’s not going to be physical “proof”. And as I said, I assumed they interviewed the guy and he just denied it or said she didn’t protest.

I assumed they did interview the guy, see about witnesses, etc. obviously if they didn’t that’s unacceptable.

The problem as I see it, in a case like this, is how do you prove this guy forcefully grabbed her and touched her without consent? I mean we all know that’s likely what happened, but I hear a lot of people on sites like this who seem to want the accusation to be enough, but obviously without proof it’s just he said -

In Rio, we pack more than just disease...

Youre going to make a great looking corpse.

Or couples out to eat....both with their heads in their phones. So sad.

FYI, you should that the person you arguing with here loves to make ad hominem attacks on people whom she doesn’t agree with and then dismiss their replies. She trolls me and does it all the time, and my replies are generally not over the top offensive or anything, they’re just usually accurate and hit home, so she

I’m pretty confident that this social media stuff, the shameless self absorption it’s created, will end as quickly as it started. There will be a sea change and things will revert back to the way they’ve ALWAYS been....that is, society will look down and laugh at the self centered and self obsessed.

Haha, exactly. I grew up in the 70's/80's in a small town made up almost entirely of 1st generation Italian immigrants. Do you know how many of my friends parents/grandparents barely spoke English even after they had been here for like 40-50 years? Like ALL of them. And they hung Italian flags from their house, had

Back then, any man willing to work an honest days work would never starve, excluding the depression of course.

Funny you should say that. I once wrote this satirical piece about proposed Republican legislation to “create jobs” whereby employers could “hire” people, but instead of “pay” they would be allowed to provide them with basic food, clothing and a roof over their heads.

You’ve created a straw man. My argument was that most, if not all, of the mouthpieces on the right who talk about their ancestors coming here “legally”, as if they applied and followed some lengthy legal process, are 100% full of shit.

I think you just defined the difference between the liberal and conservative brain.