
I don’t think I’ve gotten ungrayed on any sites except a few obscure ones that I think were subs of Gawker. I’m pretty sure I was permanently banned from Jezebel a few years ago. :)

I only ever posted on Gawker, not followed by these other sites.

Agreed, on both counts


Well all I know is I have seen a bunch of documentary crime shows like forensic files where I can’t believe how little they convicted someone on. Cases where I too “thought” the person probably did it, but there were other potential explanations. But it seemed to boil down to who the jury “believed”, and I don’t like

Yeah I agree if the DA literally said that to her, and there is no investigation, that’s totally fucked up.

To be clear, I said no evidence because I assumed if he just “licked her breasts” during a hug as she said, there’s not going to be physical “proof”. And as I said, I assumed they interviewed the guy and he just denied it or said she didn’t protest.

I assumed they did interview the guy, see about witnesses, etc. obviously if they didn’t that’s unacceptable.

The problem as I see it, in a case like this, is how do you prove this guy forcefully grabbed her and touched her without consent? I mean we all know that’s likely what happened, but I hear a lot of people on sites like this who seem to want the accusation to be enough, but obviously without proof it’s just he said -

In Rio, we pack more than just disease...

Conservative outrage over this surveillance?

Youre going to make a great looking corpse.

I mean I won’t bother taking 5 fucking seconds to research the term Cybertonia before I spew out my ignorance because I am a desperate attention troll.

Here is a reference to “Cybertonia” via a Russian Computer Museum website....

Dude, please. The REAL scandal here isn’t that Melania lifted a few sentences from Michele Obama’s speech. I mean who the fuck cares about Melania Trump?

Like I said, legt criticism, like what you just provided, is fine, even to be applauded. Just bring something to the table. Commenting on a website that “your website sucks” is beyond lame.

Criticism is fine, that was basically a “yo mamma” joke.

And yet here you are.

Of course you know, this means war...