
Yes, obviously since I feel that if we are going to demands that society accepts that any two adults can love each other, that age shouldn’t matter either, than clearly I just hate women.

Let me summarize for you.

Another sincere attempt to open a mind wasted...

So what’s your point? Women sometimes get battered, power and manipulation are common when you have a 40 year old and an 18 year old in a relationship, love does not conquer what? So any such relationship is creepy and wrong and we as a society should shame and publicly judge people who engage in

I picked what I thought were your main points and responded to them. And instead of pointing outing out where you disagree or what have you, you’re attacking me.

She was 18, and you don’t know her, and you don’t know him.

“DUDE, do you know how Jerry Seinfeld met Shoshana Lonstein?”

LOL, if you read my last post to you and come away with, “you’re a dick”, I can’t help you. I can only assume you are 16, tops. Certainly not a person with a formed adult brain.

You seem to think that only women get battered and abused. You seem to think that manipulation, coercion, and displays of power only occur against women, and young women by older men at that.

Flailing wildly? I asked a very simple question, the answer to which we BOTH know the anwer to, and proves my point.

LOL, you can hand a book to a moron, but you can’t make him learn

There’s a difference between a physical, medical or mental issue that makes it difficult to get off and becoming so dependent on toys that you either can’t get off without them or you CHOOSE them over your partner. BIG difference.

Nope, you’re wrong again. What you can find in vast wasteland of “porn” is completely irrelevant. I’m talking about what is accepted on THIS site.

So would there be an OP here on Jezzie or Gawker praising a new “fantasy” series of books by a male author that are all about a 40 year old man banging 18 year olds? With all the commenters being A-OK with it?

And I’ve addressed why that is total bullshit several times.

“the person with the money and influence has enormous power”

“Younger people are less powerful than older people. Poorer people are less powerful than wealthier people. This is kind of basic logic”

Her family supported the relationship, and yes, the fact that they dated for 4 years and almost married TOTALLY matters, as this isn’t a case of some old dude cruising the mall trying to bang an 18 year old.

No need, I’m sure there was outrage. The hypocrisy is nothing if not consistent.

And my point is you are making assumptions, you’re judging Seinfeld when you don’t know him and you don’t know her. She could be very bright and mature, and Seinfeld very caring and patient with her, because he fell in love with her. I mean Christ they dated for 4 years and almost got married!