
Nobody calls me Francis.

“But the guy is using Pornhub en lieu of a sex life.”

Because the brand of feminism that has taken over the internet and the liberal messaging teaches that women are helpless victims. As a liberal with a daughter, this infuriates me.

Masturbation absolutely can and does effect relationships commonly these days thanks to porn. Hell, I’ve even read that one of the reasons teen pregnancy is down is because of online porn. Being married with kids and work is exhausting enough, you don’t need anything else removing your motivation. Obviously I’m not

Can you seriously not understand how insulting and hurt hurtful and offensive it would be if your boyfriend told you that YOU ALONE could not get him off? That he needed a fake pussy. You don’t think you would take that personally? Feel inadequate? Seriously?????

I’m wondering if she is a lesbian. Not saying that in an insulting manner, just that she doesn’t sound familiar at ALL with the average male-female relationship.

LOL, so it’s only men, and not women, who get jealous at the thought of their partner preferring to be pleased by something other than them? A LOT of women don’t even like their husbands watching porn, let alone bringing a fake pussy into bed and choosing to orgasm with IT instead of her.

“Where did mazzieD say that a young woman has no power? What she said was that there is a power differential in a relationship where one person is much older and much wealthier.”

I’m no troll. Problem is pissing off liberals is easier than making a teenager depressed. I know, I’m one of them.

True, some were defending him, me being one of them, and I got furiously attacked for it. And I think it’s because it was Seinfeld, a pretty likeable, harmless, non controversial guy. And the fact that he dated her for 4 years and almost married her certainly made a big difference.

Disagree, I think it’s check out this new kind of erotica, pretty hot! And the comments reflected that.

The whole article was based on how creepy and wrong he was, it was a hit piece, and old story brought out for revenge for him saying colleges are too PC. And the comments raged from creepy to rapist.

I have no idea if they exist or not, all I know is if they did, sites like Jezebel would only write about them to slam men as perverts and creeps, and all would pile on. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

“Sex with your stepsibling, therefore, isn’t just a device in erotica. It’s a wonderfully American phenomenon, the run-off from the tidal shift of our sexual revolution.”

How on earth does calling out selective moral outrage, the attacking of one consensual relationship over the other for no logical reason, equate to me hating porn?


I’m not saying either is “gross”. One is a loving, consenting, adult relationship between an adult man and an adult woman that spanned 4 years and nearly ended with marriage.....and the other is a female who wants to plow her step brother.

LOL, I’m assuming by your IQ level that “Dr” is just a nickname, like Dr Pepper or Dr J right?

LOL, 1? i???? I swear the only people who say 1 are either people without kids or people whose kids are so old they forget how much 1 sucks.

Obsessed? I used his case as a perfect example for the selective moral outrage on this site because this very site just posted an OP condemning Seinfeld him for his relationship a few days ago.