
I see, so fantasy books about pedophilia would be cool and popular too right? What’s that? No they wouldn’t because people don’t get turned on by the thought of an adult having sex with a child? Hmmm, so I guess it’s safe to say that the people who buy these step sib romance books like the content, get excited by it.

Why are females always assuming a young woman has no power? Do you just see young woman as weak victims?

FYI - as far as I can you are the first to say that., and I completely agree. That was my point. The selective moral outrage is unreal.

Trolling has to be the most incorrectly and overused term on the internet. A troll is someone who is posting with the sole purpose of pissing people off. But people like you just attach to anyone who has an opinion or comment you don’t like.

Actually, generally I agree that the same people would also complain about a 40 year old woman with an 18 year old boy, but let’s not pretend the outrage is equal. That being said, my point wasn’t really about the sex (male or female as the older person), my point was about the selective moral outrage over various

The topic I brought up was the selective moral outage in consenting relationships. LOL, am I supposed to wait for an OP entitled “Gawker’s Selective Outrage”?

1) Of course people can “think” and “say” whatever they want. My point is the social punishment they will soundly receive, namely being viciously attacked and called bigots and haters. We DEMAND they either conform or keep their ignorant views to themselves. We have made “you can’t chose who you love” the foundation

You don’t fantasize about something that DOESN’T turn you on. The people on the board not having any issue with the novels, and said fantasies, clearly indicates they have no problem with the subject matter.

Yes, I suppose that’s true.

LOL, yeah probably why i said they “MAY BE” blood related.

“Looking back, i’m obviously glad nothing happened when I was a horny dipshit teenager”


The question I posed, the point I made, is perfectly legit. Which is why you are attacking me - you can’t come up with an effective counter on the subject.

All I need was make a comment about the selective moral outrage that exists when I noticed that it’s apparently cool for a female to want to bang her step brother.

No, they didn’t start dating until she was 18. I’m open to any proof you can provide otherwise.

You don’t “fantasize” about something unless it turns you on. So obviously the readers and many here have no issue with step siblings fucking.

And femenists love those magazines right? But that’s a strawman anyway, a better comparison would be what if Men’s Health started a series of stories about dudes who want to fuck their step sisters. Think that would go over well on old Jezebel?

Life of the party actually. But I don’t party with the selective outrage mob

Proving the selective moral outrage on sites like this, especially in a directly related article, is not a strawman, that’s why you’re not actually addressing it.

No argument there. I’m not arguing that step siblings fucking is wrong per say, just how we can accept that but the love between a 40 year man and a woman 20 years his minor.