LOL, right? What’s next, removing it from history books? Apple is just looking for some good PR.
LOL, right? What’s next, removing it from history books? Apple is just looking for some good PR.
“The shouts of “Diva!” are the soundtrack of male privilege melting away...”
Bullshit. I objected to this article’s anti-man (ie, “I’ve never had the need to ask a man anything”) stance on the eve of Fathers Days of all days. The attacks came, and it went from there.
Holy shit I never heard of a “419 scam” so I googled it. Looks like they became popular in the 80’s. Now I’m 42, and grew up in the 80’s as a teenager and never heard of it because teenagers don’t give a shit about that stuff. So you must have been an adult well into your 20’s at the least. So you’re definitely older…
LOL, manipulative vomit, totally stealing that.
LOL, entitled? My personal story of having to FIGHT for nearly a year in family court just to get joint custody of my child from a batshit ex and a terrible mother, only to then have to pay suppport as bribe money just so my daughter can live with me full time as she desires? THIS is “entitled”?
Nope, daughter is 16 now. About 4 years ago she decided she want to live full time with me. Her mom allowed it without a fight, if I continued the child support. That’s right, not only did I have to pay child support for 8 years while having joint 50-50 physical custody (and paying for everything else, healthcare,…
You’re talking to someone who fought and won joint 50/50 custody of my daughter 12 years ago. I was lucky as the courts were starting to loosen up on such things, and I happened to live in a county that was one of the more progressive on the issue. But through the experience I met and have talked with tons of people…
I see. So men never had legitimate gripes with family courts who for decades unquestionably favored women in child custody and divorce courts? For a long, long time, for a father to win even joint custody of his child was unheard of, unless you were rich and powerful. But you feel men should have just grinned and…
I gave you several very legitimate reasons. But again, you clearly just aren’t educated on the subjects, nor do you want to be. I’ve said my piece, ie wasted my time, moving on.
The “Mens Rights Movement”, like feminism, isn’t a single organization with a set list of core beliefs. It’s made up of many, many groups with various beliefs and positions. Some of these groups have VERY legitimate issues, as hard as I’m sure that is to accept from someone as radicalized as you clearly are. These…
Like I said, it’s hard to take anyone who would compare the KKK, or worse, Boko Haram, to “MRA’s”. I can only assume you don’t know a thing about the either’s history. And if you do....then you really need to turn off the computer for a while, or at least stop visiting sites like Jezebel as your mind is as warped, if…
Like I said, it’s hard to take anyone who would compare the KKK to “MRA’s”. I can only assume you don’t know a thing about the KKK’s history. And if you do....then you really need to turn off the computer for a while, or at least stop visiting sites like Jezebel as your mind is as warped, if not more, as any crazy…
“MRAs are a hate group, just as virulent, self-interested, delusional and dangerous as the KKK.”
I men and women are equal....but....
Calm down. We’re on the same side.
“Until recently, I’d never been on the website, I suppose largely because I never had the occasion to ask a man anything”
People fly/display the confederate flag for 2 reasons - One, as a symbol for their fellow racist brothers and sisters that they are “one of them”. Two, to let blacks know to stay the fuck away.
You catch her fake cry today in that press conference? It was pathetic.