You want me to “prove” that no one likes a wife beater? And how would I do that? A scientific poll? LOL, why don’t I just look up a poll on people who support child molesters? What exactly would you expect to see in either poll, a 50-50 split?
You want me to “prove” that no one likes a wife beater? And how would I do that? A scientific poll? LOL, why don’t I just look up a poll on people who support child molesters? What exactly would you expect to see in either poll, a 50-50 split?
I NEVER said DV was not common you twit, I said there is no evidence to support that police “just ignore it”, not does it make any sense for them to do so. For one thing, no one likes a wife beater, and secondly, a victim would have an open and shut legal case if the cops just ignored it. This isn’t fucking Saudia…
What’s funny is that the same people who rail against the government, don’t trust it at all, accuse it of the most nefarious things up to and including mass murder, instinctively call anyone who talks about “false flag” operations “insane tin foil hate wearing nuts”. LOL, as if the rulers of the world wouldn’t…
Here’s what I’m saying, let’s see if you can process this rationally and objectively without twisting it around into some woman hating, DV apologist bullshit to fit your world view....
I’m not even giving anecdotes, just using logic. It’s so scary that a whole generation of women are being raised to believe that all men are not only rapists, but that they can beat up their wives and the cops won't even care.
I’m as liberal as it gets, but man, this new brand of feminism, coupled with the way they mob and swarm and attack and try to marginalize ANYONE who doesn’t parrot their EXACT talking points on any given issue is going to DESTROY liberal causes and drive a LOT of people who might otherwise be on their side right over…
Hey man, this is nothing. I play ice hockey. After a game, I pull off that about a frightened turtle!
Well I will say that what amazes me is people think the government WOULDN’T do this. I mean Christ just Google Operation Northwoods, which was signed off on by all the Joint Chiefs of Staff and submitted to JFK for implementation. If not for JFK being the man he was, that shit would have went down. But he refused, and…
Men don’t like wife beaters, that’s universal. I’m the first one to rail against how corrupt and unaccountable our police are. But there's no motivation for said corruption in these cases. Men hate scumbags who hit women as much as women do. What possible reason would there be for them to protect them and put some…
And again, I would agree. But now we’re getting into situations where without evidence there isn’t much the police can do. Would you prefer they just arrest any man or woman simply on the word of their significant other that they were “abused”?
You don’t need the cops to collect evidence. You have pictures of the bloodied woman, you have the documented proof of your call to the police and their visit and your demand that assault charges be placed, and assumingly, you have the police refusing to do anything.
What firm belief am I holding that is untrue? That it’s NOT the norm, by any stretch, for cops to show up to a domestic abuse call, find a women who just got the shit kicked out of her by her husband, and respond with “hey buddy, just chill”? I mean, I can’t imagine how brainwashed by feminist propaganda you have to…
LOL, “MRA Troll”, right on cue.
Well now you’re adding nuance that I wouldn’t disagree with. But to insinuate that cops would not want to arrest a scum bag who just beat the shit out of his wife because, I don’t even know, they hate women or whatever, is just crazy.
I don’t believe that it was “rare” for someone to be arrested when there was evidence of a physical assault. I FIRMLY believe that women are abused (pushed, threatened, light physical abuse that leaves no real evidence) but can’t prove it. I’m not sure what can be done in those cases, we can’t have cops arresting men…
“Mansplain”? I’m sorry, is domestic violence purely a man abusing women problem? Knowing that cops, for all their faults, do not just walk away from scum bags who just physically assaulted the wives has nothing to do with gender politics.
Really. In cases where the women has physical signs of being assaulted, the cops just say “chill” to the dude. This is what you’re telling me. This is the norm. Really?
My comment referenced the overwhelming norm, not some one off, random lawless 1 horse shithole in fucking Kentucky.
Really, you were physically assaulted by a man, to the extent that there was physical evidence to show the police, and the cops came to your house, saw this, and said, “hey buddy, just chill”?
Perhaps when there is no evidence of abuse, the cops tells them “to separate” or what have you as they have no grounds for an arrest. But if there is evidence of physical abuse, we’re talking assault here, cops are absolutely going to haul his ass away. Like I said, unless you’re talking about some redneck lawless…