
This review did not make me want to play XCOM 2.

If you're going to do a parody, best not to use a voice that says "HAHA! I'm doing a parody! Isn't this hysterical?!"

They're, they're, it will all be okay.

I like Transparent so much, that I will watch whatever she creates next. Thanks, Amazon.

He certainly plays around with narratives, but that doesn't mean he always succeeds. You don't have to be a total contrarian to point out when he doesn't.

People who use "_____ hating" and the word "hater" are what I don't like about the internet.

Memento is by far his best film.

And a tiny packet of cinnamon

Did Steve tell you this?

I liked it.

Speaking of Sherman Alexie - my partner and I watched Smoke Signals last week. Oh my, I like indie films, I like films that are a bit amateurish…but this was a whole different level of bad.

You're right there aren't many girls working in IT…but there are a number of women.

Finally a guy who looks like Paul Rust gets to fall in love with a gal who looks like Gillan Jacobs! Oh, Hollywood…

Apple and Google have innovated plenty, but I would agree that their execution and refinement are what have actually made them successful.

As I understand it, KY Jelly was originally used to lubricate the soft rubber gaskets that hung down from giant drills that were used to dig out the Hoover dam.

I'm looking forward to this

I like their songs and their videos. And I like that they try to make interesting videos.

You don't have to turn him into Saul from Breaking Bad right away, not at all.

Disappointing to hear that they are continuing down the same sluggish path.

Yeah, um, tell your partner if you like something or don't. Did someone really need to write in to Savage Love to get that answered?