
I never like deus ex machina and the UFO was one of the worst in a show that I like.

It's a beautiful song and that is a great story.

Yeah, the UFO sucked.

That was fun.

Ed Helms and Amanda Seyfried as a romantic couple…Hollywood strikes again!

What "excellent work" has DiCaprio been overlooked for in the past??

"All of the grudges Kwanghee held onto…came out like batter."

Wow, he's really good.

It was a good showing by Rubio, but unless he follows it up in NH and then makes a big move in the polls for the major Super Tuesday states, it won't mean anything.

God, that's ugly!

I really appreciate the depth and insight of our fellow keyboarders here. This is the most intelligent video game site I frequent.

Good story. I did not know that.

I've seen every one of his films, except the Kill Bills…I should probably check them out, but somehow they just didn't appeal to me that strongly.

Still skeptical that line puzzles, no matter how ingenious will wear thin quickly.

I was 8 years old when we went to see it at the theater. It is still the only movie I've ever been to where the line for tickets literally went around the block. It was awesome.

This news is about 20 years old.

I like a few of B.o.B's songs, so this is a bit disappointing.

I remember Puma Blues…but I didn't think anyone else did. Huh.

Yeah, he's not that funny.

Here's a link to every woman who has won a Best Director oscar…