
I'm glad they're addressing the sexism as well as the racism. This turned out pretty well.

I can second the recommendation of Coup. Really, really fun and very replayable. Be forewarned, you may view some of your friends differently after playing.

Those parts were always cringe-y, but it was an oddly moral show with some very good characters and I liked the way it showed LA.

Having never seen Friday Night Lights, but loving him in Breaking Bad and Fargo, I just assumed he was great in FNL…was he not?

Whenever I see "It's complicated" I just assume that the situation is where like he and I did it, but he thought I was my sister, cause it was really dark and we we're pretty fucked up, but then the next morning I got the hell out of there and I'm not even sure if he knew it was me, but then next week it happened

I thought that was a pretty good show, for what it was.

The Lex section was good, the rest…was just weird.

That's a pretty darn good Lou Reed.

I just see Bob and Phyllis drinking alot of ice water afterward.

Chang was such a mistake. They had a great character and then took him to the worst, most unfunny places.

Ann Perkins - Parks & Rec

Great story.

"The passing of David Bowie has accentuated these differences between us."

That stock photo is tremendous.

I really like Ronda and it's fine when she plays herself or an action character…but in this kind of role it just ain't gonna work. Bad idea.

In the last 5 years there have been 100 nominees for actor, supporting actor, actress and supporting actress. Of those 100 nominees, 7 have been black. The % of the American population that identifies as African-American is 13.2%, so it's understandable that people think there is underrepresentation.

Adrian Grenier is available

I really enjoyed this show when I was a kid. Even now when I go hiking I think I'm trying to capture the magic of exploration and nature I felt watching that show.

The problem is that his competence and confidence are so poorly mismatched.