
I don't think they're really eating that much salad in Newtown.

Easily in my top 3 all-time arcade games.

Sherlock is ripe for parody…but a really poorly acted, written and filmed parody of anything is going to suck. This sucked.

These were two of the stupider letters in recent Savage Love history. Hope next week is better.

I thought the campfire discussion was pretty reasonable on all sides.

All of them.

Not everyone selling feather earrings is Native American.

I love how awful the kids are.

Great episode among many this season.

Bobby Darin wishes this was so…

I tried the MTG/Puzzlequest game. Pretty disappointing.

Fucking good news! I'm opening a can of peaches to celebrate!

Thank goodness they were able to find 6 male directors and a man to interview them!

Well done.

I was thinking the same thing. This is NOT the best version of that song to use. But it's alright.

That would have been great.

It's not that kind of puddle, dear

That's great…now explain the last 3 episodes of Season 1 of True Detective which he had years to gestate and which really sucked.

John Stamos is as sleazy, drug-addled, narcissistic and very young woman chasing in real life as you probably imagine.

I was surprised how much I liked the show. It was much better written than I thought it would be.