
If only he could learn to ride a bicycle…

TYL felt like it lost the tone of the the earlier outings that made them so special. It was still somewhat funny and somewhat sweet, but not nearly as much of either as First Day or the movie.

It'd be nice if some of his clients dropped him. That's about the only message that might get through to someone like that.

Starship Troopers 5 and Titanic 6? Oooookay.

My favorite performances of Leo's are Gilbert Grape and Django. I think he's better in smaller character roles. I haven't enjoyed any of his lead roles and some of them I've found downright poor.

Writing him out of the show would have made sense, but they had him in most of the episodes. He just wasn't very interesting, and he was one of the highlights from the movie and First Day.

Looking forward to this. I've missed that old, lovable cuss.

Just finished watching 10 years later - major letdown from the previous installments.

I remember 3 things about seeing Titanic in the theater:

I never liked them as a couple and I'm mildly pleased that they have separated.

Nothing shows the class and decency of the Great British Bake Off like pastries bleeding, vomiting, shitting and jizzing all over each other.


Seems like he's been in trouble with the law since the day he was born.

Yeah, by far the best episode of the entire series was that one where Apollo investigates the black market and gets involved with a prostitute. If only the show had been more episodic and gone on for 7 seasons…

Yoiks. I watched the first episode, it was pretty awful.

Two ways this could go well:

Maybe they really liked being shamed and are getting off on this right now? Oh, shit.

I swear that all Matt & Trey want to talk about is semitones.

Intellivision or bust!

To have actually met Mr. Landau would be something that I would have been interested in.