
Aziz seems like a nice guy, trying to do good things and someone who has good influences (Linklater, etc.)…but then he creates a show which is all the things he said he didn't want it to be.

"They hook 'em up to ropes and put 'em on a black leather rack covered in sweat and good intentions. It's called a Reformer."

At this point, I assume that anything Peggy says is made-up on the spot or a hallucination she had while sorting piles of magazines where all of the covers merged into one grand musical sequence.

Bradley Cooper is so meh. He clearly tries hard, he's decent, but…this is a leading actor?

Some people stay with people who are completely untrustworthy. Lots of different reasons, but the result is the same.

They call it "Minnesota Nice" for a reason.

So Peggy and Ed are aliens who can communicate telepathically as indicated during that bus scene. And this explains why Peggy is so odd and wants to become the best "human" she can be and Ed doesn't think too long about grinding up the body of a "human".

What were her health problems that were part of the band going on hiatus?

George "The Animal" Steele approves…then opens up a turnbuckle and eats it.

She looks like a White Russian to me.

And double bonus points for Gus pointing out that Mike Milligan is the worst character this season…who also happens to have a ton of lines.

Of course, the lights looked like a UFO at first…but then we realized they were car headlights, right?

I thought we all knew she was a lesbian. This is a secret?

I really like Gus and continue to find John annoying.

No. Just no.

Samurai Bats should have thrown that muthafuckin sword down!

I tried watching some of her standup earlier this year and I was surprised at how bad she is at the craft of standup comedy. She's great at sketch writing, for sure, but her standup skills were way below her celebrity level this year.

We thought we would hate Girls, but it was excellent. The second best series we watched this year after Fargo.

Some of us live at 7,000 feet and aren't worried one bit…

"Right now, I’m looking out of a window in Philadelphia and there’s this woman walking down the street who is absolutely gorgeous. Her. I don’t know who she is, but that beautiful woman walking outside my window in Philadelphia. Wow. She’s pretty."