
Considering how great Dr Horrible was and how blah The Avengers was that seems about right.

Does anyone remember "The Halley Project" back on the Commodore 64? I really loved that game, I had a similar sense of wonder and discovery as you describe playing Rymdresa.

I remember when I thought Emma Stone was going to be one of the best actresses of her generation…that sure hasn't turned out.

My thoughts exactly. Love HAIM and would love to see all of the acts mentioned except for Taylor Swift.

Absolutely…it's the other people who are insecure about their intelligence and it's the other people who derail threads and it's the other people who are angry and unpleasant.

Beautiful! I couldn't have asked for a better response from a pretentious blowhard. Thank you, this made my day.

There is a balance between focusing on external forces that are beyond our control and the things we do have control over. I thought what you wrote simply went too far in one direction.

Do you know what the word "pretentious" means? How about "blowhard"? You seem to really have that word "reductive" down, I'm hoping you can learn some new ones.

More reductive than "it isn't your fault"?

Are you being purposefully obtuse?

It looked faked. Badly faked. That's not good filmmaking.

Girard, I appreciate you trying to cushion the blow and being kind in your response earlier, but the idea that someone not being able to pay for their own apartment is 100% not their fault or within their control is a bit much.

I agree about student loans and the lack of wage growth, however, unemployment is at 5.1%. The economy isn't tanked, not by a long shot.

Hunh. I tried Ascension when it came out. My memory is bad art and the game wasn't that fun. But maybe I don't remember it that well.

"You have such a needy face." - Tom Shales

Soooo…the women who are pretty successful have no interest and the ones who aren't would jump at the chance? Informative.

Watch it with low expectations. It wasn't as bad as Season 4, but it was definitely the worst of the Harmon seasons.

Considering how flat and unfunny season 6 was I'm fine with it ending now.

The missed punch on the tarmac looks terrible. It's not like Paul moves and Tom misses, he just punches to the right of Paul. This whole sequence looks amateurish.

That was neither funny nor visually striking. It just looked dumb and badly rehearsed.