
"Perhaps if Pizzolatto crafts a more coherent story.." well there's your problem.
Let's not pretend Season 1 ended well. So the next time Pizzolatto crafts a complete, coherent story will be the first time.

I'm just hoping the book is filled with deft, lucid prose.

It's so nice seeing the two of them together. I'd like to visit them when they're in a retirement home and give them their meds.

The biggest problem is that he just isn't very funny. Standup or on the show.

Sorry, I just tripped over my own feet and landed on top of a man awkwardly, though he seemed to enjoy it. What was that again? - Female lead, The Newsroom.

I'm sure they'll use no cinematographer, set designer or costumer, but they'll have 700 electricians working at all times.

Great satire is very smart and South Park certainly qualifies.

Marge: There you go, givin' a fuck when it ain't your turn to give a fuck.

Thanks, that was a good read.

Just a thought for BFF: maybe try dating someone you're interested in for more than just fucking and don't have sex with that person and other people at the same time. I know, it's crazy, it violates the NO LIMITS approach to living that is so very important and scariest of all you might feel something and be

I'm glad they shelled out for an A list leading American man like Harry Fordison.

The setting looks gorgeous!

Me neither. Reached a certain point where the difficulty was no longer fun.

Love isn't finite…bonobos…radical honesty…the only limits are in your mind…

A person can think Caitlyn is ridiculous and respect trans people.

Very happy to read this. Hoping they make intelligent fun of the "bravery" of Caitlyn.

"When people look to their Facebook for their facts and their facts for their friendship, our spiritual noursihment is made of lies." - Dalai Lama

If Alanis is reading this: it is NOT ironic that your song was on the list.

It's either because of Rod Carew or John Woo…possibly Lee Dorsey.
