
Not knowing that Kelsey Grammer sang the theme song to Frasier…yeah, that's pretty bad. It's such a distinctive voice and song.

They're called cell phone jammers, been around for about 20 years. Mostly used by theaters, auditoriums, places like that. Sorry, EVIL theaters and auditoriums. Though they're only legal in certain countries.

I always had a feeling he was an Elger Esser fan. Glad to find out I was right.

That technology already exists. I'm afraid you would be a fairly lame super villain…someone who would have taken on the Legion of Substitute Heroes during assistant editor month.

When celebs are promoting something they're often doing 15-20 short interviews with different magazines, radio stations, sites, etc. back-to-back in the same day. The AV Club interview is not something they're exactly prepping for. :)

I saw good reviews for this so I checked out a few episodes. Wow, really not funny and unappealing. I noticed afterward that almost all of the good reviews came from the same kind of folks.

It is possible for male screenwriters and directors and studio execs to change this…but I don't think it will be nearly enough.

The only answer is more women screenwriters and directors. It's awesome that Meryl Streep is doing something to support that.

He did great work. Glad to see he is being personally recognized for it.

The key is getting the right theme, I humbly offer: "Enchantment Under The Sea"

For some reason reading this week's column made me extra grateful that my sexual proclivities are common and easily satisfied.


To those who have never gone: the art is great, people are nice, the throbbing techno music at 4 am gets annoying, but it isn't nearly as weird or wild as it might seem from a distance. And it isn't remotely like Mad Max, other than being in the desert.

Ewww. Serenity?! Really? I adore Firefly and Serenity has some good sections, but I didn't think it held together nearly as well as the best episodes of the show.

Suck it, Kaiser!

I enjoyed WHAS:FDOC way more than I thought I would. However, there were a number of unnecessary story lines and guest appearances that could have been taken out and it would have been just as strong or stronger. Revisiting the original characters and setting up the stories in the movie should have been 90% of the

I always thought Frank Burns was the weakest character on the show and by a wide margin. Charles was a huge upgrade.

Frankie and Elroy on Community?! Those were two big whiffs. Competent actors but stunningly unfunny. We stopped watching Community halfway through Season 6 because of the comedy void they failed to fill. I don't even blame the actors, they just shouldn't have been cast in a comedy.

If I had to choose between my child preferring Taylor Swift over the Pixies or them growing up and being found guilty for murder, I'd have to think about it and ask "Who exactly did they kill and did they have it coming?"

When that's how you describe sex, it means you're definitely doing it wrong.