
Someone better play a harmonica or I'll be very disappointed.


Yeah, other than memory loss and cognitive impairment the editor of High Times is absolutely correct: no side effects to pot whatsoever!

What, was it barking?

How do you know someone has a rescue dog? Because they tell you immediately.

It's just a rhythm thing. She couldn't quite pull it off and I felt like I could see her act-ing, which is never a good thing.

I thought episodes 1-5 were outstanding…then I started to get that creeping "Lost" feeling that they had thrown out a bunch of cool, mysterious ideas and didn't actually know where they were going.

Soooo, your 3 reasons are that it is expensive, it's expensive and it's more expensive than other things? Yeah, true on all counts.

Actually I thought it was pretty poor. Sounds like the writer talked briefly to a few people at the convention and took a few photos. I'd have preferred a much more in-depth piece. This was all surface.

I started on Hearthstone a few months back. It's much simpler than M:TG in ways I don't care for, but it's decent. I play a match or two a day.

I'm glad you covered this topic, but I would have enjoyed a more in-depth look at what it is like to actually be in the competition, how he prepares for opponents, the nuances of the meta-game, that sort of thing.

Why is True Detective Season 2 a surprise to anyone? We already saw how badly Season 1 ended.

Listening to Jennifer Jason Leigh try to deliver snappy 40s dialogue in The Hudsucker Proxy is a uniquely painful experience.

One small problem: he's not very funny. Or that likeable.

Excited for The Martian as I really enjoyed the book and Ridley Scott seems like a great choice for director.

My problem with the flat icons and UI is that it tends toward a pretty extreme minimalism that also hides functionality and often eliminates visual cues that make a UI easy to use.

The march of progress forward made sense up until about 3-4 years ago. One could understand why the early icons were quite simple out of necessity. But this march backward to flatter UIs seems strange.

Skeuomorphic or GTFO!

It's amazing how many commenters think breast implants are just normal, natural boobs.

Funny idea, but it's pretty easy to tell who said which.