
Sorry, was that the one where he was in a bathroom stall with his pants around his ankles?

Considering the hilariousness of the trailers this is really shocking.

Thanks for mentioning her name (Adrienne C. Moore), I hadn't looked it up. Yeah, I always enjoyed Cindy before but I started really watching her this season and she just shines even with throwaway dialogue. I think that's why the conversion scene actually resonated with me emotionally (one of the very few of this

Pennsatucky is also great. Really terrific actress, even if at times they saddled her with bad dialogue she still made it work.

The coolest? She basically has one facial expression and generally looks lost on screen. We always have a hard time not laughing at her poor acting.

Yeah, she was pretty poor as usual. She's just not a good actress. In season one her character was more interesting, but by this third season there isn't much left. I guess I'd have to put half the blame on the writers and half on her.

Good for her, even if she is one of the weaker actresses on OITNB.

Well, clearly this has touched a nerve for you. You've called me an "asshole", a "douche" and accused me of getting my opinions from tumblr. That last one really hurts.

"Discriminatory and prejudicial against women", but not sexist. Huh. I'd genuinely be curious as to what you see as being the difference between those concepts.

Of course, you didn't bring up racism, because racism isn't funny or excusable to you, but sexism is.

So, opinions aren't facts is your response as opposed to explaining why it wasn't sexist? Okay. I can see why she yelled at you.

Good satire. Appreciated.

I'm a male stranger, I'll happily yell at you too. Of course, it was sexist. Is that really so hard to see?

So sexism and racism should never be a concern if it was just a silly massive box office movie that millions? Got it.

Depends, where did you put it?

If "Ozymandias" was just a "good" episode then we cannot be friends. Sorry.

Um…you watched the last 3 episodes right? They stuck the landing pretty damn hard.

This was fun to read.

I can appreciate paying attention to someone's intent, I've just never heard someone use that word unless their intent was as I stated or they were trolling and trying to rile people up. That's why I feel the way I do about it.

To this day I sometimes introduce two friends of mine who have not met as: