
DIY feminist statement = written by a 40 year old dude

I assume that most people who seem nice actually are. But if I hear serious allegations against anyone, even a very nice person, I take them seriously.

Ahem. Your father would like to talk with you about the use of the word 'motherfucker'.

"One of the best comedies of the decade"

I really enjoyed this article. Thank you.

Hunh. I would never want to watch something like that. I don't get the appeal at all.

Tried the first episode of Other Space. Yikes, was it bad! The one good joke came about 60% of the way in…then they spent the rest of the show telling us every small part of that joke to make sure we didn't miss anything.

Those weren't very hard questions. Downey could have handled it much better than he did.

I have a question, which I already know the answer to, but I don't like the answer, so I'm going to ask you anyway, cause maybe you'll invent a miracle and I won't have to do the thing I don't want to do, but know that i should do.

"Hand shaved pubic hair lightly toasted and covered in open-meadow truffle oil. Breasts glazed with virgin boar butter.

Does Psylocke have two PhDs?

This is a super villain I can support.

Having just watched the trailer…not good, really not good.

Oh well, guess I can't please everyone.

Snowpiercer is the biggest minus movie I've seen in the past 5 years (going by the +/- system of how much i liked a film - my expectations going in). It wasn't terrible, but it was so far below what I was expecting. And dumb. Really, really dumb people making really dumb decisions, plus an allegory that was underlined

"Are you the dead person I'm looking for?!? Is it you!?"

Tree of Life is the one movie in the top 10 I wouldn't have anywhere on my list.

Eyes Wide Shut??

Thank you, Pacino Wig. I think the subtle visuals of sexism are one of the very best things about Silence.

I will now walk backward toward my screen with a bucket of oats, The first commenter to eat from my bucket will become my prize…I will then wrap you in barbed wire and sacrifice you to the Krauts.