
Interesting take.

Frances Ha would have been my #1 and The Tree of Life wouldn't make my top 100.

A trailer for a comedy should be funny, right?

Admittedly, it's a thinslice, but I'm sticking with it.

The last 3 episodes are better, but it is a bit of a slog to get there.

No, but they use how someone responds to a situation like this, coupled with how the viewing public responds.

I'm not horribly offended by what he wrote, I just think it was dumb in a way that makes me concerned he'll be any good at TDS. And since I like TDS, a perfectly appropriate response is to post online in a place like the AV club that I'm worried he was a poor choice….and maybe, just maybe, CC should start looking at

I'm basing my thinslice of him on 3 things:

This is an attack from the left, not the right. And Trevor Noah has about zero shot of making it out of this as the standard bearer for liberalism. Not funny and not smart is going to make it tough to replace Stewart.

He's going to be out of a job before he grows old and matures if he keeps this up.

I agree. The biggest concern should be that the new host of The Daily Show made such dumb, hacky jokes. It wasn't that long ago and it doesn't bode well for his tenure as host.

Every draft of everything isn't public. It's only public when you post it online.

The cheery triumph of the publicly hated is always a good story.

I really like Patton, but this was dumb.

54 slides in the slideshow…first slide explains how masterful the other 53 slides will be using this one weird trick you won't believe.

I thought the same. We need some ghosts to decode the decoding and make sure it checks out.

More signs that season 2 will be disappointing.

Mrs. Patmore would grind your gears like nobody's business.

Deleted portions of the interview that had to be cut for space limitations:

He seems like the kind of person who has a good experience no matter where he goes or what he is doing. I bet he is a pleasure to work with.